7. As to judgment and determination of, over official acts of accounting 14. As to vacation, modification, or annulment of judgments, decrees, or other orders of....... XXXII 15. Common law and decisions of Executive Departments recognized in ... 181 149 17. Expenses of United States.... 152 18. Findings and opinions of, not conclusive on Executive Departments... xxxV 2. As to the application of claimant's money to satisfaction of their debts XXXVIII 355 XXXVII 1. As to circuit court commissioners Criminal Law- 1. Sections 3739-3742 of the Revised Statutes are not violated by a member 2. As to liability of accounting officers.... Criminal Proceedings- 1. As to judicial proceedings against accounting officers 1. A person employed by the Attorney-General under sections 363 and 366 of XXXVI 355 355 355 2 69 126 126 5 XXIX 1 1 XXXVII XXIX 7. Uncertain and unliquidated, arising for breach of subcontract for carry- ing mails..... Davis, C. H.- 1. Party in false description case Death- 1. As to vacations... Debates- 1. In Congress, as to extra compensation to members. De Bildt, C. N.- 1. Party in DeBildt's case. De Bildt, Lilian Augusta Stuart- 1. Party in De Bildt's case De Bildt's Case Debt- 1. Good discharge of 2. Is a liquidated demand 3. Meaning of..... 4. Payment of, to foreign administration at domicile of debtor 5. Recovery of, by administrator 10 265 346 357 171 171 170 151 16 16 150 12 1. Difference between those of the United States and a private citizen.... 183 2. Due from, have no locality at seat of, Government 183 3. Due from the United States, as to locality of creditor. 239 1. By a Comptroller only determines matters actually passed upon.... XXIV 18. By Comptroller, not subject to be changed or modified...... XVII 19. Made by one Department cannot be reversed by another. 181, 182 23. Of either Department generally conclusive on the others. 181 7. By First Comptroller, for 1880 and 1881, second edition of. XV Decisions-Continued. Page 11. By First Comptroller, one volume each year to be printed XV XV 13. By First Comptroller, reasons justifying publication of...... 15. In executive Departments, classes of questions requiring..... XXVI XVII 17. Of Court of Claims, as to...... XV 18. Of Post-Office Department, Sixth Auditor not subject to... 4 19. Of Supreme Court as to individual rights.... XLII 20. Of Supreme Court, as to printing and publishing the 4. Of court will operate, after payment of draft, to determine the right to 1. Public Printer, approval by, of Hoen & Co.'s contract.... 94 |