Page. Statutes at Large-Continued. 451. Vol. 22, p. 284, appropriation, President Garfield 372 452. Vol. 22, p. 315, as to appropriations for National Board of Health......XII, XV 457. Vol. 22, p. 338, Pay of officers and employés of House. 364 462. Vol. 22, p. 391, requiring Public Printer to publish decisions of First 1. Exercise of, in examining, allowing, and paying claims 1. Onus is on purchaser to show good faith Stall v. Pepper- 1. Principle involved in decision of. Storekeepers- 1. Appointment of 2. As to Story- 1. Quoted as to letters of administration. Strict Construction- 1. As to statute making permanent specific appropriations Style and Title- 1. Of acts making appropriations Subcontract- 111 274 316 316 315 271 168 195 347 XXXIX 290 395 252 252 183 339 335 1. As to stipulated penalty in 1 2. Between Dorsey and Taylor for carrying mails, quoted from 2. No part of moneys earned by, shall be withheld from.. Subcontractors- 1. For carrying mails 2. For carrying mails, privileges of... Subcontracts- 1. For carrying mails, authority of Postmaster-General as to Page. 125 1 1. As to meaning of words 355 2. Intrusted to the exclusive jurisdiction or decision of either Department p. 123)....... Succession in Office- 1. As to commencement of salaries (see Opinions Attorney-General, Vol. 4, Succession- 1. Title to negotiable instrument may pass in 1. As to blank assignment. Successive Indorsements- 1. As to registered bond Successor- 1. As to disposition of bonds 2. To member of Congress, who is a Successors- 1. In the trust, as to appointment of.... 2. In trusts, rights of Suit- 1. As to denial be claimant of indebtedness 2. As to, on bond of executive officer Suits- 1 Against individuals brought by the United States. 2. For rights to testator's personal property. Summoning Jurors- 1. Method of... 215 292 293 292 190 322 XXXIV 195 XXIX XXXIX XXIX 236 165 1. As to illness and burial of late President Garfield 2. Schedule "A," as to illness and burial of late President Garfield. Supplies- 2. To officers and soldiers, sales of. XXV 1. Purchase of, for Government hospital.. 57 55 12. Opinion of, as to conclusiveness of allowances by Commissioner of Inter- 19. Territorial, time when, and place where held, fixed by the local legisla- 2. Of a contractor for carrying mails, as to liability for damages of 1 1. Released if loss has been caused by the fault of the creditor...... 12 12 1. Opinion of, as First Comptroller regarding sale of old material. Tayloe, Benjamin Ogle- 1. Party in Tayloe's case Tayloe, Edward Thornton- 1. Party in Tayloe's case. Tayloe, John- 1. Party in Tayloe's case Tayloe, Virginia- 1. Party in Tayloe's case Tayloe, William H.- 1. Party in Tayloe's case Taylor, Eugene— 1. Party in Dorsey's appeal case Teachers- 1. As to...... Temporary appointment-(See Assignment.) 1. Act for relief of citizens of.... 2. President's proclamation as to 47 190 192 191 192 192 191 2 306 275 343 241 3. Rights of administrator under laws of.. Term- 1. Of courts, as to..... 2. Of office, statutory limitation of.. 115 |