Vouchers- 1. Approved by auditor of the District........ Page 263 2. Approved by the Secretary of State for expenses of "German guests"... 141 XXIX 349 374 XXXVIII 185 143 346 14 297 29 148 1. Estoppel of husband from denying validity of 170 170 3. Of the canon of public policy regarding assignments of contracts 1. And draft, examination of, not compulsory upon Secretary of the Treas- 9. For payment may be recalled for correction of certificate of balance 10. For payment of claims....... 11. For payment of claims countersigned by First Comptroller. 12. Influence of issuance of ... 13. Issued for payment of claims by Secretary of Treasury 14. Issuing of, as to claims 15. Not lawful until signed by the Secretary. 16. Of arrest..... 17. On the Treasury as to direct taxes. XXXI IXXX 13 16 36 16 36 82 269 340 2. As to expenses of illness and burial of late President Garfield 377 6. Drawn by the Secretary of Treasury, countersigning of. 77 7. Examination of 81 8. First Comptroller is the only officer who countersigns. XXI 12. Must be examined by Assistant Secretaries and prepared for signature of the Secretary of the Treasury 82 13. Payment of, Post-Office Department 189 14. Regarding the delegation of power to sign or countersign 61 15. Signed by Assistant Secretary, validity of...... 68 16. Treasury, cannot be signed by the Assistant Secretary unless appointed by the Secretary to do so 82 War Tax-(See Income Tax.) Washington, George- 1. Commander-in-Chief of the combined forces of America and France 1. First Comptroller, opinion by, as to permanent legislation. 1. Capacity given to, by Congress to assign [bonds and indorse interest Wirt, William- 1. Attorney-General, discussion by, as to meaning of signature Yellow Fever- 1. Prevention of spread of..... 222 Yorktown Centennial Case..... 141 Yorktown Celebration- 1. Effect of excluding others than our own citizens from.. 144 2. Division of, in the office of the Treasury of the United States, as to 404 7. Which have been finally adjusted, disposition of...... 409 10. Of (legislative assembly of District of Columbia) August 23, 1871, re- ferred to 11. Of (legislative assembly of District of Columbia) December 16, 1871, 12. Of (legislative assembly of District of Columbia) June 19, 1872, refer- Act- 8. Of (legislative assembly of District of Columbia) July 10, 1871, referred to.... 9. Of (legislative assembly of District of Columbia) July 20, 1871, referred 425 425 425, 426 425 425, 426 13. Of (legislative assembly of District of Columbia) June 20, 1872, re- ferred to 425 14. Of (legislative assembly of District of Columbia) June 23 and 25, 1873, referred to... 425 15. Of (legislative assembly of District of Columbia) June 26, 1873, re- ferred to... 425 16. September 2, 1789, office of Register of the Treasury. 409 401 |