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3. Name the principal rivers of South America.

4. For what may South America be particularly noted.

5. What lakes in the Northern part of Russia.

6. Locate Havana, Charleston, Madrid, St. Petersburg and Constantinople, and give the latitude of each.

7. Locate Calcutta, Vienna, San Francisco, Algiers and Melbourne, and give the latitude of each.

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2. Name the principal events in the history of the Puritans before landing in America.

3. Give an account of the settlement of Rhode Island.

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Describe the defeat of Braddock.

Name the principal events in 1776, and describe the battle of Long Island. 7. Name the principal events in 1777, and describe the battle of Saratoga and Stillwater.

8. Name the principal events in 1778, and describe the massacre of Wyoming. Give an account of the treachery of Arnold.


10. Name the most prominet American and English Generals engaged in the American Revolution.


Palisade, skein, chaise, gauze, supersede, financier, escheat, valise, receipt, scourge, rehearse, amerce, lettuce, prejudice, mortise, chrysalis, prairie, biscuit, forfeit, authorize, advertise, analyze, patrol, resource, nuisance, rueful, feud, newt, papyrus, irascible, conceptacle, conventicle, privilege, diplomacy, poignancy, attorney, perfidy, hypocrisy, expatiate, torrefy, ossify, euthanasy, panegyric, paregoric, ipecacuanha, idiosyncrasy, pharmaceutital, ichneumon, heteroclite, inelegant.


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A THOUSAND A YEAR. By Mrs. E. M. Bruce, Boston. Lee & Shepard, 1866, pp. 263. We have been delighted with this charming story, giving the experience of the family of a country minister who accepted "a call" to the city with a thousand a year" as a salary. It gives many incidents illustrating human nature as found in nearly all communities, and many a pastor will find repeated here his own experience. It should be read by pastor and people, and we have no doubt both will be profited by the perusal. We like the spirit of the volume, and we must say the publishers have executed their part in fine style.

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EVERY SATURDAY.-This Weekly is, in our opinion, precisely what it claims to be, - a journal of choice reading selected from current literature. The editor has the range of all the English and Continental Reviews, Magazines, and first-class Weeklies, which press into their service the ablest, wisest and wittiest writers of Europe. From this almost immense storehouse, he selects that which he judges best adapted to suit the taste and intelligence of the American people.

The selections in the numbers already issued have embraced a wide variety of topics, - all of interest to cultivated minds, and nearly all of a character to be highly attractive to the majority of American readers. There have been excellent short stories, thrilling adventures, exquisite poems, graphic historical sketckes, popular scientific articles such as appear originally only in English and French periodicals, racy essays in biography, criticism and anecdote. In fact, it contains the cream of foreign current literature, and is offered at a price that brings it within the reach of all.

Each number being complete in itself, it is just the thing for travellers; and each number is of such sterling merit that it is just the thing for those who stay at home. Whoever wishes the freshest and choicest foreign periodical literature, must get “Every Saturday," It is published by Ticknor & Fields, Boston.

GAIL HAMILTON has in the press of her publishers, Messrs. Ticknor & Fields, Boston, a new volume specially adapted to summer reading, and bearing the taking title of "Summer Rest." Most of the articles in this volume are now for the first time printed, and will be found equal to any of the author's most brillant essays. Halicarnassus appears again on the carpet; and his exploits in the way of gardening and other domestic matters are made very amusing. Gail Hamilton is never dull. Possessed of a sharp and ready wit, speaking boldly, and that too upon topics wherein women have been supposed to have but little interest, she has already gathered about her an audience, which, by its hearty appreciation of her writings, attests the truths of many of her convictions. The success of her various volumes of essays has been without a parallel'; in fact she is the most successful writer of the day.

STUDENT AND SCHOOLMATE.-We have watched with much pleasure the constantly increasing interest that is manifested by the young in the magazine which for so many years has furnished much of their mental food. We have been constant readers of this little monthly visitor, and we do not hesitate in saying, that every article published therein contains a moral which cannot but be beneficial to those who read it. When bound it makes a beautiful volume for the Library. As lovers of the young we hope to see this magazine in the hands of all the youth of our land.

MR. ALLAN STEVENSON, the eldest son of Robert Stevenson, died in England, on the 23d of December last. Like his late father, he was a celebrated lighthouse engineer, and built no fewer than twenty-three lighthouses. He contributed largely to the knowledge of dioptrics, was a remarkable linguist, and author of many valuable treatises on those spheres of science with which he was most familiar.

BOOKS AT HOME.-It is not by books alone or by books chiefly, wrote Carlyle to a young friend, that one is made a man, but by standing in one's lot like a good soldier and bearing the many chagrins of it. Thinking, acting, and enduring, make character. The end of reading is not to store the memory with bare facts, but to afford materials and inspiration for original reflection-a reflection which shall prepare the mind to perceive and to adapt itself to new relations. The results of previous enquiry must be known in order to a proper comprehension and use of the truths which ccmtemporaneous investigation is perpetually envolving.

But, not to speak of this higher function and effect of books, is there nothing in their mere presence to teach? Have these mute companions, as they look dowu quietly from their shelves, no power to elevate the thoughts? It is certainly a presumption of the culture of a family to find it well supplied with standard works in religion, literature and science. One instinctly infers upon entering a house for the first time, that it is the abode of refinement, when he sees around him the classics of our language, done up in neat and solid bindings. On the contrary, if there be no books-whatever the taste otherwise displayed, though the mirrors be of the best French plate glass, the carpets the softest velvet, the tables inlaid with rare woods and stones, and all the appointments in keeping-one cannot but conclude, if he himself be cultivated, that there is a lack in this home of the purest taste. We have been favorably impressed, on going into families remote from city advantages, as to their social position, by observing on the tables or shelves a few choice books. The sequel has seldom altered our judgment.

Every house if possible should have its library. However humble the dwelling, let there be one room where the books are collected and systematically arranged. The sight of them will constantly instruct. There is teaching for a child in the title of a book. Will he not soon wish to know what the history is about; who are the men, what things which the cuts represent? The first conception he may form of the extent of the race to which he belongs, may be derived from the " History of the World," upon the gilt letters of which he has gazed from infancy. As books upon various subjects come daily under his eye, the different departments of knowledge will open to the mind, and the complex and wonderful character of the universe will provoke questionings. Where persons of ample means are erecting or selecting houses for homes to live in, not merely to exist in, why should not one of the most eligible rooms be set apart for the library. Why should a contracted room over the hall, or in the fourth story, or down in the basement, be devoted as worthy of the collected wisdom of the sages? Why put the books where the family never wish, and never should wish to go? The folly of devoting parlors three tiers deep to the display of rosewood and brocade, to glitter and flash at an occasional party, and pushing the books, the inspirers of thought and virtue, out of sight, is too great to need animadversion. Let the library be where the family gathers most naturally and easily; let it be in an accessible and cheerful position.

There is a glowing and commendable taste for pictures and sculpture. The best wall and choicest niche is fittingly appropriated to them. They educate as well as please. But they do not necessarily imply the taste, nor are they as real cultivators as books. Any man sprung into sudden fortune, may order a picture or a statue from a first-class artist, but will not be apt to buy the best books unless he have previous culture. Say what we may for a picture, its single aesthetic idea is soon absorbed, and though it may continue insensibly to refine, still it possesses not the ample suggestiveness of a book of equal merit. A book is a multiplex picture; it is the facts, the book part of a picture, not its appeal to the artistic sense, which constitutes its greatest charm and instruction for most minds. The professional or amateur artist might not view it so; simply as the evolutions of a battle, nor its moral results, would be most inviting to a scientific soldier. We claim them for the books, at least equal advantage in position with the productions of the fine arts. Why should not the productions of the pen have epual honor with those of the chisel and easel? Give to them as rich and costly array. Let Shakespeare's works be as well set as Shakespeare's head.

Next to the family altar comes, in influence upon the household, the family library. It is a strong bond of union to its members. Seated amid the companionship of the pure, the wise, the good of all ages, with philosophy to instruct, religion to sanctify, and wit to enliven, must not the memories and results of such hours be the most useful and pleasing to the whole life?—Exchange.



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THE remaining connectives to be considered are Relative Pronouns and the connecting adverbs. A pronoun is not in its proper sense an indispensable word. It defines itself by its own composition,—a pro-noun, a for-noun. In its original sense it only takes the place of the noun and renders speech more agreeable by avoiding a repetition of the noun for which it stands. But the definition has been extended to so many words, and so various in their meanings and offices, that pronouns are justly considered among the most difficult words for the grammarian to discuss, or for scholars to parse.

A pronoun has no meaning of its own, but is dependent upon the antecendent for its meaning. The so called personal pronouns differ from the relatives in the fact, that they show, in some of their forms, certain accidental properties of the antecedent, such as parson, gender and number. The relatives have none of these properties, unless it be that of gender, but they have other properties which do not belong to other pronouns. One of these is the conjunctional power which they possess. They differ however from conjunctions in the fact, that conjunctions only join propositions without belonging to either, while relatives connect equally strong and at the same time form a part of the second proposition. Example: "God who knows all things is acquainted with our most secret thoughts."

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