If there be aught of presage in the mind, Chor. In time thou hast resolved; the man re turns. Off. Samson, this second message from our lords To thee I am bid say. Art thou our slave, Our captive, at the public mill our drudge, And darest thou at our sending and command Dispute thy coming? come without delay; Or we shall find such engines to assail And hamper thee, as thou shalt come of force, Though thou wert firmlier fasten'd than a rock. Sums. I could be well content to try their art, Which to no few of them would prove pernicious. Yet, knowing their advantages too many, Because they shall not trail me through their streets Masters' commands come with a power resistless Off. I praise thy resolution: doff these links : Sams. Brethren, farewell; your company along So dreaded once, may now exasperate them, K With zeal, if aught religion seem concern'd; Chor. Go, and the Holy One Of Israel be thy guide [Exit. To what may serve his glory best, and spread his name Great among the Heathen round; Send thee the Angel of thy birth, to stand Be efficacious in thee now at need. For never was from Heaven imparted Measure of strength so great to mortal seed, Enter MANOAH. Man. Peace with you, brethren; my inducement hither Was not at present here to find my son, By order of the lords now parted hence I heard all as I came, the city rings, And numbers thither flock: I had no will, With good success to work his liberty. Chor. That hope would much rejoice us to partake With thee; say, reverend sire, we thirst to hear. Chor. Doubtless the people shouting to behold Their once great dread, captive and blind before them, Or at some proof of strength before them shown. Man. His ranson, if my whole inheritance May compass it, shall willingly be paid And number'd down: much rather I shall choose To live the poorest in my tribe, than richest, And he in that calamitous prison left. No, I am fix'd not to part hence without him. And quit: not wanting him, I shall want nothing. Useless, and thence ridiculous about him. And since his strength with eye-sight was not lost, God will restore him eye-sight to his strength. Chor. Thy hopes are not ill founded, nor seem vain Of his delivery, and thy joy thereon Conceived, agreeable to a father's love; In both which we, as next, participate. Man. I know your friendly minds and-O what noise ! Mercy of Heaven! what hideous noise was that, Horribly loud, unlike the former shout? Chor. Noise call you it, or universal groan, As if the whole inhabitation perish'd? Blood, death, and deathful deeds, are in that noise, Ruin, destruction, at the utmost point. Man. Of ruin indeed; methought I heard the noise : O! it continues; they have slain my son. Chor. Thy son is rather slaying them ; that outcry From slaughter of one foe could not ascend. Man. Some dismal accident it needs must be : We unawares run into danger's mouth. From whom could else a general cry be heard? He now be dealing dole among his foes, Chor. Yet God hath wrought things as incredible For his people of old; what hinders now? Man. He can, I know, but doubt to think he will; Yet hope would fain subscribe, and tempts belief. A little stay will bring some notice hither. Chor. Of good or bad so great, of bad the sooner; For evil news rides post, while good news baits. And to our wish I see one hither speeding, An Hebrew, as I guess, and of our tribe. |