She ceased. The cloud, on which she seem'd to
Its curls unfolded, and around her spread ; Bright angels waft their wings to raise the cloud, And sweep their ivory lutes, and sing aloud: The scene moves off, while all its ambient sky Is turn'd to wondrous music as they fly; And soft the swelling sounds of music grow, And faint their softness, till they fail below.
My downy sleep the warmth of Phœbus broke, And while my thoughts were settling thus I spoke : Thou beauteous vision! on my soul impress'd, When most my reason would appear to rest, 'Twas sure with pencils dipp'd in various lights Some curious angel limn'd thy sacred sights; From blazing suns his radiant gold he drew, White moons the silver gave, and air the blue. I'll mount the roving winds' expanded wing, And seek the sacred hill, and light to sing: ('Tis known in Jewry well) I'll make my lays, Obedient to thy summons, sound with praise.
'But still I fear, unwarm'd with holy flame, I take for truth the flatteries of a dream; And barely wish the wondrous gift I boast, And faintly practise what deserves it most. 'Indulgent Lord! whose gracious love displays Joy in the light, and fills the dark with ease, Be this, to bless my days, no dream of bliss; Or be, to bless the nights, my dreams like this.'
By the blue taper's trembling light No more I waste the wakeful night, Intent with endless view to pore The schoolmen and the sages o'er: Their books from wisdom widely stray, Or point at best the longest way; I'll seek a readier path, and go Where wisdom's surely taught below. How deep yon azure dyes the sky! Where orbs of gold unnumber'd lie, While through their ranks in silver pride The nether crescent seems to glide. The slumbering breeze forgets to breathe, The lake is smooth and clear beneath, Where once again the spangled show Descends to meet our eyes below. The grounds which on the right aspire, In dimness from the view retire: The left presents a place of graves, Whose wall the silent water laves. That steeple guides thy doubtful sight Among the livid gleams of night. There pass, with melancholy state, By all the solemn heaps of fate, And think, as softly sad you tread Above the venerable dead,
'Time was, like thee they life possess'd, And time shall be, that thou shalt rest.' Those, with bending ozier bound,
That nameless heave the crumbled ground,
Quick to the glancing thought disclose Where toil and poverty repose.
The flat smooth stones that bear a name, The chisel's slender help to fame, (Which, ere our set of friends decay, Their frequent steps may wear away ;) A middle race of mortals own, Men, half ambitious, all unknown. The marble tombs that rise on high, Whose dead in vaulted arches lie, Whose pillars swell with sculptured stones, Arms, angels, epitaphs, and bones; These, all the poor remains of state, Adorn the rich, or praise the great; Who while on earth in fame they live, Are senseless of the fame they give.
Ha! while I gaze, pale Cynthia fades, The bursting earth unveils the shades: All slow, and wan, and wrapp'd with shrouds, They rise in visionary crowds,
And all with sober accent cry,
'Think, mortal, what it is to die!'
Now from yon black and funeral yew, That bathes the charnel-house with dew, Methinks, I hear a voice begin;
(Ye ravens, cease your croaking din, Ye tolling clocks, no time resound O'er the long lake and midnight ground) It sends a peal of hollow groans, Thus speaking from among the bones :- When men my scythe and darts supply, How great a king of Fears am I? They view me like the last of things; They make, and then they dread my stings.
Fools; if you less provoked your fears, No more my spectre form appears. Death's but a path that must be trod, If man would ever pass to God: A port of calms, a state of ease From the rough rage of swelling seas. 'Why then thy flowing sable stoles, Deep pendent cypress, mourning poles, Loose scarfs to fall athwart thy weeds, Long palls, drawn hearses, cover'd steeds, And plumes of black, that as they tread, Nod o'er the 'scutcheons of the dead?
'Nor can the parted body know, Nor wants the soul, these forms of woe: As men who long in prison dwell, With lamps that glimmer round the cell, Whene'er their suffering years are run, Spring forth to greet the glittering sun : Such joy, though far transcending sense, Have pious souls at parting hence. On earth, and in the body placed, A few, and evil years they waste: But when their chains are cast aside, See the glad scene unfolding wide, Clap the glad wing, and tower away, And mingle with the blaze of day.'
"LOVELY, lasting peace of mind! Sweet delight of human kind! Heavenly born, and bred on high, To crown the favourites of the sky With more of happiness below, Than victors in a triumph know! Whither, O whither art thou fled, To lay thy meek, contented head? What happy region dost thou please To make the seat of calms and ease? 'Ambition searches all its sphere Of pomp and state, to meet thee there. Increasing Avarice would find Thy presence in its gold enshrined. The bold adventurer ploughs his way, Through rocks amidst the foaming sea, To gain thy love; and then perceives Thou wert not in the rocks and waves. The silent heart which grief assails, Treads soft and lonesome o'er the vales; Sees daisies open, rivers run, And seeks (as I have vainly done) Amusing thought; but learns to know That Solitude 's the nurse of woe. No real happiness is found
In trailing purple o'er the ground: Or in a soul exalted high,
To range the circuit of the sky, Converse with stars above, and know All nature in its forms below;
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