If this book should again be reprinted, I shall, with the utmost readiness correct any errours I may have committed, in stating conversations, provided it can be clearly shewn to me that I have been inaccurate. But I am slow to believe, (as I have elsewhere observed) that any man's memory, at the distance of several years, can preserve facts or sayings with such fidelity as may be done by writing them down when they are recent: and I beg it may be remembered, that it is not upon memory, but upon what was written at the time, that the authenticity of my Journal rests, : 1 No. II. VERSES written by Sir Alexander (now Lord) Macdonald; addressed and presented to Dr. Johnson, at Armidale in the Isle of Sky. Viator, o qui nostra per æquora Undique conglomerantur oris. Donaldiani, quotquot in insulis Ciere fluctus siste, Procelliger, Nec te vicissim pæniteat virum Cum feriant inopina corpus. Quidni! peremptum clade tuentibus Valete luctus; hinc lacrymabiles Fingaliæ memorantur aulæ. Illustris hospes! mox spatiabere Buccina qua cecinit triumphos; Audin? resurgens spirat anhelitu Ahæna quassans tela gravi manu Attainments, literary and religious, not to be described as too hard, 327. Auchinleck, an account of, 395. .... وه. Lord (the Author's father) character of, 391. his idea of Dr. Johnson, 392. and Dr. Johnson in collision, 398. his styling Dr. Johnson the Ursa Major, 400. Authours, attacks upon, serviceable to them, 279, 417. .........., observations upon their not practising what they teach, 208, B Bacon's 'History of Henry the Seventh,' 219. Banks, Mr. 249. Baxter's, Anacreon,' 393. esteemed by Dr. Johnson, and why, 67. defects as well as virtues, the proper subject of, 240. Birch, Dr. 258. Bishops, promotion of, 68. Blacklock, Dr. 34, 439. و..... his letter to the authour, 414. Bond, honourable preamble of one, 262 Bonnetta, a merchant ship, why called so, 332. Book, a present by Dr. Johnson to the landlord's daughter at Boswell, (the Authour of this Journal) some account of, 39.. his comparison, on having prevailed with Dr. Jahnson to his defence of the ardour of his pursuits, 214. his Journal praised by Johnson, 227, 267, 282, 317. his assiduous attention to Johnson, 271. his apprehensions during a storm at sea, 288. his employment on ship-board, 289. to be bribed by flattery, 315. his declared intention of writing Johnson's Life, 322. his regret at discontinuing his Journal, 391. his imitating the lowing of a cow, 413. his letter to Dr. Robertson, 3. ..... to Dr. Beattie, 4. Dr. 37. ... to Lord Monboddo, 62. ..to David Garrick, Esq. 359. .. to the Laird of Rasay, 420. Mrs. her particular attention to Dr. Johnson, 11, 13. Veronica, 13. 4 |