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Boyd, Hon. Charles, 85.

Braidwood, Mr., his academy for the deaf and dumb, 416.

Brewse, Major, 111.

Brodie, Laird of, 206.

Browne, Isaac Hawkins, 145.

Buck, ludicrously applied to Dr. Johnson, 177.

Buildings, religious, neglect of, 377.

Burke, Mr. his various and extraordinary talents, 3, 20, 211, 275, 340.

Burnet's 'History of his own Times,' 292.

Butler's Hudibras,' 225.


Cadogan, Dr. his treatise on the gout criticised, 207.

Caledonian Mercury, 335.

Caldermanse, 107.

Campbell, General, 264.

........., Hon. Archibald, 370.

Mr. 388.

Campbell's Britannica Elucidata,' 335.

Cards, 420.

Carre, Rev. Mr. 15.

Carte's Life of the Duke of Ormond, 304.

Cascade, 205.

Castiglione's 'Il Corteggiano,' 281.

Catechism, Church of England, 59.

Caves, 164, 171, 195, 239, 343.

Chambers, Mr. 5, 10.

Character, nice trait of, 378.

Charity, rules for the distribution of, 389.

Charles, the First, 358.

Chastity of women, 208.

Chatham, Lord, 139.

Cheyne, Dr. his rule for living, 144.

Chieftain, what should be his sentiment, 253.

Cholmondeley, Mrs. 250,

Cibber, Mrs. 114.

Clamours, popular, 45.

Clarke, 294.

Clergy, Scottish compared with the English, 254.

Clive, Mrs. 114.

Cloth, wawking, 170.

Club, Literary, 64, 96.

at the Boar's head, Eastcheap, 249.

Col, island of, 200, 308, 309.

Colquhoun, Sir James, 377.


Lady Helen, 380.

Colvill, Lady, 411.

Composition, instructions relative to, 54.

Conveniences often unaccountably neglected, 164.

Conversations, the power of exhibiting, observations upon, 494.

Cooke, Mr. his singular presentation of Foote, 25.

[blocks in formation]

Crosbie, Mr. his comparison of the English and Scots, 10.

Crosses, 161.

Cucumbers, 296.、

Cullen, Dr. 33.

......., Mr. 31.

Culloden, battle of, 129, 189.

Cumberland's 'Fashionable Lovers', 168.

Cumming, the Quaker, 232.

Cuninghame, Sir John, 388.

Cunning, 216.

Custom, singular, 341.

'Cyder,' Philips's Poem, 65.

Dalrymple, Sir David, 37.

Sir John, 418.

Danes, colony of, 58.


Death, observations on, 171, 197, 327.


warrants signed by Sixtus Quintus on his death-bed, 241,

Dedications, difference between and histories, 292.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Elgin cathedral, 102.

Elibank, Lord, 2, 5, 327, 401, 409.

...., Dr. Johnson's character of, 402.

........, his letter to the authour, 173.
. to Dr. Johnson, 174.

Emigration, 15, 66, 125, 172, 202, 283, 308.
English and Jewish history compared, 362.
Entails, Dr. Johnson's opinion of, 89.
Enthusiasm, ancient Highland, 140.

Epictetus on the voyage of death, 285.

Epigram, 277.

Epitaphs, 38, 141, 307.

Errol, Earl of, 85, 91.

Erse, poetry, 324.

Estate, grounds on which the sale of one may be set aside, 338.

Evil, origin of, 104, 381.

Execution, an account of one, 02.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Gardening, oriental, 179.

Garrick, David, Esq. 114, 253, 279.


his embarrassment in Westminster hall, 245.

and Foote compared, 407.

......., his letter to the authour, 361...

Gataker, On Lots and on the Christian Watch,' 311.

Genius, question concerning, 23.

Gerrard, Dr. 118.

Glasgow, surveyed, 385.

Gleg, Mr. 61.

Glenelg, wretched inn at, 135.

Glenmorison, Laird of, 125.

Glensheal, 129.

Goldsmith, Dr. 128, 280, 318.


......, anecdote of, 84.


و . . . .......

his love of talk, 282.

Good-humour, acquirable, 209.

Goodness, natural, observations upon, 213.

Gordon, Sir Alexander, 73.

و .......

Hon. Alexander, 413.

......., Thomas, 72.

Gory, Lord Monboddo's servant, 70.

Grace, observations upon, 111.

Grange, Lady, her confinement, 228.

[blocks in formation]

Hamond's Love Elegies,' 274.

Happiness not to be found in this life, 172.

........., in a cottage, considered, 300.

Harris, Mr. 394.

Hawthornden, 419.

Hawthornden's 'Cypress Grove,' 171.

Hay's 'Martial,' 384.

Hebrides, Martin's account of, 1.

Hervey's 'Meditations' criticised, 364.

Hell, Virgil's description of the entrance of, compared to a printing.

house, 322.

Highlander, 417.

Highlanders, the loyalty of, 198.

Highland hut, 120.

hospitality, 147.


Chief, ancient residence of, 222.

forest, 239.

[blocks in formation]

compared with Virgil, 67.

..., opinions respecting, 66.

Hooke, Mr. 167.

Hope, Dr. 421.

House of Commons, very moderate talents requisite to make a figure

in, 275.

Houses, subterraneous, 160, 238.

Hume, David, Esq. 17, 277, 280.

......, Dr. A. Smith's panegyrical letter upon, 18.

Hunting, French, 257.


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