Page images

Necessity, eternal, refuted, 35,

Newspapers, 381.

Night-cap, 273.

North, Lord, 250.

Novel, The Man of the World,' 282,
Nuns' island, 344.

Oatcakes, 157.

Oats, a food not peculiar to the Scotch, 38.
Ode, on the birth of Lord Kay, criticised, 93.

Ogden on prayer, 56, 363,4.

O'Leary, Father, 24.

Orde, Lord Chief Baron, 16.

Orrery, Lords, 239.

Ossian, Poems of, their merit and authenticity discussed, 33, 82, 154,

242, 243, 244, 403.

Ostig, 271.

Oughton, Sir Adolphus, 31, 32, 112,

Ourang Outang, 34.


Paley's Principles of Moral and Political Philosophy,' 199.

[blocks in formation]

Political parties, instructions to, 24.


principles, difference in encreased by opposition, 402.

[blocks in formation]

Pride, 194.

Primrose, Lady, 198.

Prince Charles Edward (King James II's grandson) 178.

[blocks in formation]


his letter to the authour, 428.


......, elegant entertainment at, 156.

......, survey of, 159.


castle, rare accommodation at, 164.

......, young Laird of, 183, 195.

Rattakin, a high mountain, 133.

Rebellion, natural to man, 410

Recollection, past scenes pleasing in, 345.

Reflections on the same subject different at different times, 265.

Reid, Dr. 385.

Relations, advantages of being on good terms with, 94.

Religion, 325.

Resentment, whether allowable in dying men, 241.

Retirement, observations upon, 50.

Retrospect, 293.

Reviewers, 280.

Reynolds, Sir Joshua, 90, 293.

........., his observations on Johnson's gestures, 8.

Riches, influence of, 100.

Richardson, Mr. 412.

Riddoch, Mr. 74.

Ritter, Joseph, 40.

Robertson, Dr. William, 2, 19, 20, 27, 31, 387, 408.

[blocks in formation]

Shakspeare, Johnson's reason for not mentioning Garrick in his pre

face to, 246.

Sharp, Miss, 56.

Shaw, Dr. 56.

Sheets, those Prince Charles slept in, 183.
Shelties, 291.

Shenstone, 374.

Shoes, Prince Charles's old ones, 183.

Simpson, Mr. 286.

Sextus Quintus, 241.

Sky, isle of, 137.


Slains, seat of Lord Errol, compared with Mount Edgcumbe, 90

Smith, Dr. Adam, 18, 20, 385.

Smollet, Dr. his epithet, 382.


Mr. 381.

[blocks in formation]

Student, The,' 36.

Studies, particular minutes should be kept of, 278.

Subordination, feudal state of, 94.

Subscription, ecclesiastical, 107.

Suicide, 42.

Sunday, observance of, 57.

reading should be theological, 334.

Superiours, external deference to, proper, 91.

Superstitions, others beside those connected with religion, 315.

Suspense, painful state of, 148:

Sweden, plan for visiting, 214.

Swift, character of his works, 32.

Tait, Rev. Mr. 116.





Talisker, 252.

Talking, a powerful stimulus to action, 293.
Targets, scarcely any now in the Highlands, 210.

Tenants, dependence of on landlords, 313.

• Theophilus Insulanus,' 226.

Thrale, Mr. 282.

[blocks in formation]

Toleration, liberal proof of, 54.

Tour, Pennant's in Scotland, criticised, 112.

Townsend, Lord, 371.

Trade, no extraordinary qualities requisite to ensure success in, 330.

Transubstantiation, 58.

Trapaud, Mr. 122.

• Traveller,' Goldsmith's poem, 357.

Travels, incorrectness of writers of, 118.

Trees, 57, 62, 107, 254, 369.

Trinity, mystery of the, 76.

Trout, large, 163.

Tull's Husbandry,' 336.

Turnips, 301.

Tyers, his remark upon Johnson, 61.

Tytler, Mr. jun. 418.


Union, Scottish with England, 251.

......, benefit to Scotland derived from the, 116.


Valley, celebrated from Dr. Johnson's first conceiving the thought of

writing his Journey,' 130.

• Vanity of Human Wishes, Johnson's poem, 37, 100.

Veal, Scotch, 20.

Village, is like a heart to a country, 175.

Walpole, Sir Robert, 351.

Warburton, Bishop, 68.




his assertion respecting the Scotch clergy, 80.

his Doctrine of Grace,' a poor performance, 80.

and Louth, contest between, 112.

Warm Bath, anecdote of, 294.

Watson, Dr. 46.

Wealth, use and importance of, 100.

Webster, Dr. Alexander, 38.

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