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" Upon the whole, I have always considered him, both in his lifetime and since his death, as approaching as nearly to the idea of a perfectly wise and virtuous man as perhaps the nature of human frailty will permit. "
The Journal of a Tour to the Hebrides, with Samuel Johnson, LL.D. - Page 18
by James Boswell - 1807 - 460 pages
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A letter to Adam Smith LL.D. on the life, death, and philosophy of his ...

George Horne (bp. of Norwich.) - 1777 - 66 pages
...therefore fhall be mine. '' I have always confidered '' Mr. HUME, both in his life" time, and fince his death, as " approaching as nearly to the " idea of A PERFECTLY WISE *'AND VIRTUOUS MAN, 38 " perhaps the nature of human '' frailty will permit." THE END, .*;• ___ ...
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the monthly review or literary journal

SEVERAL HANDS - 1777 - 590 pages
...the mod comprehenfive. Upon the whole, 1 have always considered him, both in hit lifetime and flnce his death, as approaching as nearly to the idea of a perfectly wife and virtuous man, as perhaps the nature of human frailty will permit.' * % * There is a good engraving...
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The Monthly Review, Or, Literary Journal, Volume 56

Ralph Griffiths, G. E. Griffiths - 1777 - 584 pages
...the moft comprehenfive. Upon the whole, I have always confidered him, both in his lifetime and fince his death, as approaching as nearly to the idea of a perfectly wife and virtuous man, as perhaps the nature of human frailty will permit.' %* There is a good engraving...
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The Life of David Hume, Esq

David Hume, Adam Smith - 1777 - 138 pages
...the moft compreheafive. Upon the whole, I have always confrdesed him,, both in his lifetime and fiace his death^ as approaching as nearly to the idea of a perfectly wife and virtuous man, as perhaps the nature of human frailty will permit., I ever am, dear Sic, Mo&...
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The Journal of a Tour to the Hebrides, with Samuel Johnson, LL. D., Issues 1-2

James Boswell - 1785 - 548 pages
...infidelity which would '? make us poor indeed !" " nearly to the idea of a perfectly wife and vir" tuous man as perhaps the nature of human " frailty will permit." Let Dr. Smith confider : Was not Mr. Hume bleft with good health, good fpirits, good friends, a competent and increafing...
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The Political Magazine and Parliamentary, Naval, Military, and ..., Volume 10

1785 - 522 pages
...formality] : '•' Upon the whole, 1 hnve always con AT dcred him, both in his life-time, and hncc his death, as approaching as nearly to the idea of a perfectly wife and virtuous m>u as perhaps the nature nf human fraiity will pcimit." Let Dr. S.mith conGdcr:...
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Boswell's Life of Johnson: Tour to the Hebrides (1773) and Journey into ...

James Boswell - 1786 - 552 pages
...published books of even' nature. Of the father V.— 3 all 34 Adam Smit/is Letter about Hume. [August \s. all formality :) ' Upon the whole, I have always considered...permit.' Let Dr. Smith consider: Was not Mr. Hume blest with good health, good spirits, good friends, a competent and increasing fortune? And had he...
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Letters on Infidelity. ...: To which is Prefixed a Letter to Dr ..., Issue 133

George Horne - 1786 - 380 pages
...the " BEST." LIFE, p. 16. " I have always confidered Mr. " HOME, both in his life time, and " fince his death, as approaching as " nearly to the idea of A PERFECTLY " WISE AND VIRTUOUS MAN, as per" haps the nature of human frailty " will permit." LETTERS INTRODUCTORY LETTER. TO WS DEAR SIR,...
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Letters on Infidelity

George Horne - 1786 - 370 pages
...literary, incomparably the " I have always confidered Mr. ** HUME, both in his life time, and " fince his death, as approaching as " nearly to the idea of A PERFECTLY " WISE AND VIRTUOUS MAN, 3S pCT" haps the nature of human frailty *' will permit." ON I NFIJDELITY. INTRODUCTORY LETTER. TO...
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Sylva: Or, The Wood: Being a Collection of Anecdotes, Dissertations ...

Ralph Heathcote - 1786 - 352 pages
...clofe oflt. " prehenfive," fuppofes him to have approached as nearly to the idea of a perfeflly wife and 'virtuous man, as perhaps the nature of human frailty will permit. A French writer hath obferved of his coun» trymen, that they never fpeak with moderation -iipon any...
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