Andrus, J. Russell, staff of Deputy Director for Technical Services of Foreign Operations Administration__
Agreement for cooperative agricultural education program be- tween the Imperial Ethiopian Government and the Government of the United States of America__
Operational agreement for Ethiopian secondary school project__ Bowles, Dr. Frank H., Director of the College Entrance Examination Board.
Brownell, Dr. Samuel Miller, United States Commissioner of Educa-
Specified purpose of the Office of Education, according to the
original act of 1867.
National school-lunch program, cash and commodities, 1950–54-- Enrollment figures of graduate school...
Supplemental information regarding Graduate School of the Department of Agriculture_
Cost of administering technical training programs, 1953–54--- 121, 122
Coke, Hon. J. Earl, Assistant Secretary, United States Department
of Agriculture, accompanied by J. C. Wheeler, Director of Finance,
and R. Lyle Webster, Director of Information, Department of Agri-
Extract from act establishing Department of Agriculture.
Purposes of cooperative extension organizations
Estimated obligations, 1955, for activities of an educational char-
1936-54 (Vocational Education Division)
Findings of 1949 survey of publications of Office of Education_. Printed publications of Office of Education, 1952–54. Extracts from How Children Learn About Human Rights- Milton's definition of education_
Resolution of Dr. C. A. Prosser
Extracts from report of Life Adjustment Commission.
Proposal by A. H. Lauchner. Remarks of Mortimer Smith..
Grace, Dr. Alonzo G., director of the division of advanced studies, School of Education, New York University..
Hartness, Maj. Gen. Harlan N., United States Army, Director of
Office of Armed Forces Information and Education, Department of
Charter of the Office of Armed Forces Information and Education_
Schedule of costs, Armed Forces information and education
program, 1951-55__
Correspondence pertaining to number of service personnel who
have enrolled for USAFI courses, and statement of percentage
of service personnel who attend school..
Humphrey, G. D., president, University of Wyoming, and member,
National Science Foundation Board, and the Association of Land-
Grant Colleges –
Little, J. Kenneth, Deputy Commissioner of Education, Office of Education, Department of Health, Education, and Welfare--
Miller, Dr. Spencer, Jr., former president, American International
College, Springfield, Mass..
Palmer, Col. Miles R., office of Armed Forces Information and Education, Department of Defense.
Study of per capita income payments to individuals, calendar
year 1953, and comparative number of children to each 100
adults as of July 1, 1952
Income payments to individuals, calendar year 1953, and relative
income resource available for support of public-school system
on an individual potential pupil basis.
Changes in per capita income payments to individuals within the
States for the calendar years 1940 and 1953----
Federal grants-in-aid for education on the basis of number of chil-
dren Children's per capita distribution of Federal grants-in-aid
to States for the benefit of education and the national school-
lunch program (compilation based upon estimated number of
children from 5 to 17 years of age in each State for 1953) -
Federal appropriations, United States Office of Education, as
reflected by expenditures reported by the Secretary of the
Treasury, selected years 1932 to 1953-.
Ray, Dr. Kenneth C., Chief, education division, Foreign Operations
Extract from report of FOA mission director in the Philippines__
Riley, Russell, Director, International Educational Exchange Service,
Department of State---
Major American private organizations sponsoring programs in-
volving international educational exchange..
Advisory boards, committees, and organizations cooperating in
the International Educational Exchange Program.
Acts of Congress which authorize or further the International
Educational Exchange Program of the Department of State___
Legislation authorizing Federal programs involving international
exchange, other than those under jurisdiction of the Depart-
ment of State____
Budgets for International Educational Exchange activities, 1939–
Expenditures during World War II under the President's Emer-
gency Fund for China, the Near East, and Africa_
House Resolution 115, 83d Congress, 1st session, authorizing the Com- mittee on Education and Labor to conduct studies and investigations relating to matters within its jurisdiction__-
Killian, J. R., Jr., president, Massachuetts Institute of Technology, letter to Hon. Ralph W. Gwinn___.
McConnell, Hon. Samuel K., Jr., chairman, Committee on Education and Labor, authorizing investigation and naming members of the subcommittee_-_.
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