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ACACIUS, account of, 186; his par-

tisans, 197; virtues of, 357.
Acacius, deposes certain bishops,

Acepsimus killed, 70.

Acesis summoned to the first synod,

Acesius, bishop of the Novatians,

Adolphus, 515.

Aetians, account of, 284.
Aetius, account of, 133, 161.
Aetius, first notice of, 453; early
life of, 455, 523; his opinion as
to the substance of the Son, 468;
banished, 469; kindly treated by
Auxentius, 470; retires to Les-
bos, 492; his death, 494.
Agapetus, miracles of, 523.
Agelius, 258, 326.
Ajax, virtues of, 357.
Alanicus, death of, 420.
Alaric, account of, 413; obtains pos-
session of Rome by stratagem,
417; invades Greece and Italy,
513; takes Rome and proclaims
Attalus emperor, 514; his death,

Alexander, miracle of, 42; death
of, 108.

Alexandria, council at, 222.
Ambrose, account of, 278; reproves
the emperor, 351.
Ammon, account of, 32; miracles
of, 34.
Amphilochius, boldness of, 318.

2 M

| Ancyra, council of, 164.
Anomian, account of, 165.
Antioch, persecutions in, 12; sedi-
tion at, 78; synod of, ib.; coun-
cil of, 110; archbishops of, 141;
council of, 250, 313; taxes in,
Antiochus, 376.

Antony, a monk, 30; habits of, ib.;
vision of, 252.
Antony the Great, 76.
Anuphus, account of, 128.
Apelles, miracles of, 288.
Apollinaris, writes against Por-
phyry, 490.

Apollinarius, 521; account of, 280,
285; his style, 521.
Apollo Didymus, oracle of, 19.
Apollo's temple destroyed by fire,
Apollonius, account of, 128.
Arabia, 443.

Arabia Felix, 452.

Arcadius, invested with the purple,
502; marries the daughter of
Bauto, 509; degrades Eutropius,
ib.; death of, 401, 517.
Archbishops, arrival at Rome, 116;
letters of, 117; exile of, 177; list
of deposed, 189; why condemn-
ed, 190.

Archierarchy, disputes among, 46
Arian heresy, origin of, 35.
Arianism prevails, 313.
Arianism, hymns against, 374.
Arians and Meletians agree, 80.

Arians, machinations of, against
Athanasius, 82; other machina-
tions of the, 157; bishops ejected
by, 255; intrigues of, 318; auda-
city of, 331; divisions among the,
338; communicated with the or-
thodox, 445.
Ariminum, council of, 140.
Arius, heresy of, 36; expelled the
church, ib.; disputes of, 37; his
followers condemned, 44; con-
demned, 45; recalled, 73; re-
stored, 93; his recantation sus-
pected, 95; confession of, 94; re-
fusal of communion, 98; death
of, ib.; account of his death,
100; procures the election of
Alexander, 431; composes here-
tical songs, 434; his error, ib.;
accused of heresy by Philostor-
gius, 501.

Armenia, monks in, 130.
Armenians embrace Christianity, 63.
Arrianus, consecrated bishop by
Aetius and Eunomius, 485.
Arsacius, account of, 395; death of,

Arsenius, accusation of, 89; treat-
ment of, 90.
Athanasius distinguishes himself,
41; elected bishop, 74; secretly
ordained, 75; calumny against,
84; illegal deposition of, 88; ex-
ile of, to Treves, 97; causes se-
ditions, 101; recalled, 107; de-
posed, 111; at Rome, 114; eject-
ed, 118; letters in favour of, 120;
innocence of, 122; return of, 141;
letters concerning, 144; again
ejected, 147; banishment of, 156;
concealment of, 211; again ba-
nished, 224; exile of, 262; re-
turns, 263; death of, 270; elect-
ed bishop of Alexandria on the
death of Alexander, 439; ca-
lumnies against, ib.; expelled and
restored, 453.
Athanasius of Ancyra, 469.
Attalus, rebellion of, 414; subjec-
tion of, 416.
Atticus, history of, 403.

Authorities used, 10.
Auxentius deposed, 276.
Auxentius the Confessor, 524.
Auxumitæ, the, 446.

Babylas's remains removed, 236.
Babylas the Martyr, 479.
Baptism, account of, 283.
Barbarians, account of, 304; con-
version of, 305.

Bardasanes, account of, 135.
Bartholomew, St., 437.
Basil invested with the government
of the church of Galatia, 103;
martyrdom of, 220.

Basil, resistance of, 233; made bi-
shop of Cappadocia, 266; ac-
count of, 267.

Basil of Ancyra, 465.

Basil the Great, his character as-
sailed by Philostorgius, 490; his
style, 521.

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Calvary disfigured, 50.
Candidus consecrated by Aetius,

Canons appointed, 47.
Cæsarea, called Mozoca, 496.
Celibacy, 48.

Celts embrace Christianity, 60;
march into Italy, 330.
Christ, statue of, 238.
Christian doctrine, account of, 138.
Christianity, laws in favour of, 16;
extension of, 345.

Christians, evil treatment of, 210;
ill-treated, 237; persecution of,

Church, troubles in the, 194, 399.
Church, destroyed by fire from
heaven, 395.


Churches, Eastern and Western,
separate, 124; troubles in, 249.
Clergy, laws in favour of, 23.
Conference held, 57.
Constans, 419, 443.

Constans, Cæsar, death of, 146.
Constantia, 458.

Constantine, Christ appears to, 13;
the cross appears to, ib.; priests
of Christ expound the Scriptures
to, 14; false reports concerning,
16; churches flourish under, 17;
his test of fidelity, ib.; dominions
increase, 18; legalizes Christi-
anity, 19; forbids the combats of
gladiators, 21; revokes laws a-
gainst Christianity, 20; conquers
the Sarmatians, 21; reproves
Arius and Alexander, 38; is griev-
ed by the dissensions, ib.; his
speech, 43; honours the bishops,
49; builds Byzantium, 53; builds
temples, ib.; abolishes supersti-
tion, 57; writes to Sapor, 72;
his exhortation, 84; letter of,
101; enacts a law to suppress
heresies, 102; forbids the Arians
to assemble in private, ib.; di-
vides the empire, 104; death of,
105; burial of, ib. ; letter of, 107;
his sons, account of, 139; his
body removed, 181; conversion
of, 432; puts to death Crispus
and Fausta, 435; builds Con-
stantinople, 438.

Constantine, poisoned by his bro-
thers, 442.

Constantine ordained presbyter,
422; death of, ib.
Constantinople, baths at, 258; bi-
shops assembled at, 467.
Constantius, his letter to the Egyp-
tians, 143; banishes the Homoou-
sians, 147; in Illyria, 149; arrives
in Rome, 154; endeavours to re-
concile the churches, 155; his let-
ter, 164; goes to Sirmium, 165;
proclaimed emperor, 431; builds
a church at Constantinople, 443;
expels Athanasius, ib.; sends am-
bassadors to the Homeritæ, ib.;
2M 2

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defeats Magnentius, 460; death
of, 200, 474.

Constantius the younger, 519.
Consubstantial, dispute concerning
the term, 122, 140, 162.
Contest between bishops, 77.
Coprus, 287.
Cornuti, 458.

Council of Ariminum, proceedings
of, 171; letter to Constantius,

Council, general, the second, 319;
decrees of, 322.

Cross, sign of, on coins and pictures,
22; appears in heaven, 149; ap-
pears in garments, 242; the sign
of, seen, 432.

Crosses found near Jerusalem, 50.
Crucifixion, law of, abolished, 22.
Customs in the churches, &c., 343.
Cyril succeeds Maximus, 149;
causes of his deposition, 192;
restored, 199.
Cyrinus, 385.

Decrees of the synod, 45.
Delphi, the oracle at, 481.
Demophilus elected bishop, 264;
expulsion of, 317.

Demophilus, bishop of Constantino-
ple, his style, 527; heresy preach-
ed by, 497, 527, 528.
Didymus, account of, 132; vision
of, 246.

Divus, or Devu, the island, 444;
irregular customs of its people,

Doctrinal controversy, 44.
Donatus, St., 354.

Dorotheus made bishop of Antioch,

Easter, festival of, 339.
Economy, 473.

Edessa, monks of, 299.
Edovicus, defeat and death of, 421.
Egypt, holy men in, 125, 288; dis-
putes in, 377.

Egyptian monks, persecution of,
Egyptian dwarf, 504.

Eleusius, his speech, 184; account
of, 225; bishop of Cyzicus, 257.

Elias, 287.

Elpidius the Sacrificer, 481.
Emmaus, fountain of, 239.
Empress, statue of, 391.

Ephraim, the Syrian, 129; account
of, 134, 299.
Epiphanius, account of, 355; at
Constantinople, 382.
Eudoxia, death of, 403.
Eudoxius, innovations of, 163; en-
deavours to abolish the Nicæan
formularies, 194; zealous in ob-
serving fast days, 505; his mar-
tyrdom, 525.

Eugenius, tyranny of, 348.
Eunomius, the heretic, 257; ac-
count of, 282; his heresy, 286;
eloquence of, 318; banishment
of, 337; praised by Philostorgius,
458; banished, 465.
Euphrates, 447.
Eupsychus, martyrdom of, 220.
Euripides, 233.

Eusebius, banished, 46; recalled,
73; retractation of, 73; accusation
against, 77; relapses into the
same errors, 81; partisans of,
writing a confession of faith, 103;
renews the controversy, 106;
death of, 108.

Eusebius, surnamed Emisenus, 112.
Eusebius, martyrdom of, 215; ac-
count of 221; disputes of, 265;
censure of, 430.
Eustathius translated to Antioch,

13; deposed, 78; habits of, 130;
confession of, 260; banished, 264;
why deposed, 437.

Eutropius, account of, 372; death
of, 397.

Eutropius, the eunuch, 508.
Eutychius, miracles of, 34.
Evagrius elected, 264; exiled, ib.
Evagrius, bishop of Antioch, 331.

Faith, formularies of, 111.
Felix, account of, 161.
Flavian, ordination of, 325.
Flavian and Evagrius, 331.

Formularies of faith, 151.
Formulary of faith, compilation of,

Formulary of the council of Ari-
minum, 188.

Fravitas sent against Gaïnas, 512.
Frumentius in India, 88.

Gabalis, bishop of, 376.

Gaïnas, 511; enterprise of, 366.
Galatia, or Gaul, 431; monks of,

Galla the younger, 498.

Gallus receives the title of Cæsar,
149, 459; slain, 153.
Gaul, 16.

Gauls embrace Christianity, 60;
march into Italy, 330.
Gentiles, calling of, 9.
George, persecution of, 148; per-
secutes the Pagans, 198; death
of, 213.
Gerontius, 371; account of, 420;
defeat of, ib.; death of, 421.
Golgotha, temple erected at, 92.
Goths embrace Christianity, 60;
embrace Arianism, 305.
Gratian proclaimed, 259; death of,

Gratian, son of Valentinian, 489.
Gratian, left heir to the throne, 498.
Greeks persecute the Christians,

Gregory, installation of, 112; ac-

cepts the bishopric of Alexandria,

Gregory the theologian, 268; re-
ceives the government of the
churches, 316; abdication of,

Gregory of Nazianzum,his character
assailed by Philostorgius, 490;
his style, 521.

Habakkuk, remains of, 358.
Hadrian calls Jerusalem Ælia, 481.
"Heaven-goers," 492.

Helen builds Helenopolis, 440.
Helena, the empress, 52; benevo⚫
lence of, ib.; visits Jerusalem, ib.
Heliopolis, virgins of, 218.

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Helles, 287.
Heraclides, 371.

Heretics, disputes among, 360.
Heron, 482.

Hesychius, 472.

Hilarion, account of, 128, 217.
Holy Ghost, debate concerning the,
274; decision concerning, 275.
Homer, quotation from, 229.
Homeritæ, the, 437.

Homoousians persecuted, 259.
Homoousios and Homoiousios, 433;
distinction between, 139.
Honorius, birth of, 330; account of,
423; death of, ib., 520; success-
ors of, 423.

Hosius deposed, 121.
Hosius of Cordova, 433.
Huns, invasion of 511.

Hypatia, skilled in mathematics,

Iberians embrace Christianity, 61;
build a church, 62.
Iberus, the river, 493.
Idolatry prohibited, 20.
India, converted by St. Bartholo-
mew, 437.

Indian bishoprics, origin of, 88.
Indians converted to Christianity,

Innocent, epistles of, 400; efforts
of, to recall John, 404.
Inscription found, 50.
Isaac, prediction of, 311.
Ishmaelites, account of, 308.
Italy, a council held in, 154.

Jerusalem, synod at, 143; origin-
ally called Jebus, 482; attempt
of Julian to rebuild, 479, 482.
Jewish nation, 7; restrictions con-
cerning, 138; seditions of, 153;
rebuild the temple, 241; pre-
vented from building the temple
by a miracle, 242.

John succeeds Meletius, 101; re-
established by the synod of Tyre,
ib.; prophecy of, 348.
John Chrysostom, wisdom of, 362;
promotion of 364; discourses of,

369; proceedings of, 371; com-
plaints against, 375; deposed,
388; re-installed, 389; machina-
tions against his life, 393.
John the Baptist, discovery of his
head, 346.

John, Gospel of St., found at Jeru-
salem, 482.

Jordan, derivation of the name from
"Jor" and "Dan," 522.
Joseph, impious opinion of Euno-

mius and Eudoxius about St., 491.
Jovian, accession of, 346, 485; let-
ter to, 250; rebellion of, 516;
death of, 253, 488.

Jovius, 414.

Julian, account of, 129; becomes
Cæsar, 181; apostasy of, 199;
life of, 201; his accession, 204;
endeavours to suppress Christi-
anity, 206; promotes Paganism,
ib.; persecutes the Cæsareans,
208; restores liberty to Christi-
ans, 209; his horrible death, 215;
attempts to establish Paganism,
227; his letter to Arsacius; 228;
his plan of converting, 231; pro-
hibits the Christians from learn-
ing, 233; works of, 234; expe-
dition of, 242; slain, 245; his
death, vision of, 246; his death,
account of, 247; made Cæsar,
463; becomes emperor, 474; en-
courages persecution of Chris-
tians, ib.; attempts to rebuild
Jerusalem, 479; is checked by
prodigies, 482; his expedition
against Persia, 483; death, 484.
Julian Alps, 459.
Julian, Count, uncle of the em-
peror, his apostasy and death,

Julius deposed, 121.
Justina, account of, 328.

Kingdoms of iron and clay united,

Labarum converted into a cross, 15,
432, note.

Lampsacus, council of, 255.

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