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finance committee, and the chairman of the assembly ways and means committee the amounts disbursed from this appropriation for Land Preservation and Improvement Disbursements for the month

preceding such certification (09038553) .....4,000,000

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curred prior to April one, nineteen hun-
dred eighty-five, in accordance with the
following schedule and with the
the provi-
sions of title nine of article fifty-one
of the environmental conservation law,
including costs incidental and appurten-
ant thereto, hereinafter referred to as
"Municipal Solid Waste Management

Notwithstanding the provisions of any gen-
eral or special law, the moneys hereby
appropriated shall be available for
municipal solid waste management expen-
ditures approved for municipal solid
waste management projects in accordance
with section 51-0905 of the environmen-
tal conservation law upon the issuance
of a certificate of approval of availa-
bility by the director of the
the division
of the budget.

The state comptroller shall at the com-
mencement of each month certify to the
director of the division of the budget,
the commissioner of environmental con-
servation, the chairman of the senate
finance committee and the chairman of
the assembly ways and means committee
the amounts expended from this appropri-
ation for "Municipal Solid Waste Manage-
ment Disbursements" for each approved
project for the month preceding such
certification (09098456)

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scheduled on or after April one, nineteen hundred seventy-two. Notwithstanding the provisions of any general or special law, the moneys hereby appropriated shall be available for water quality improvement expenditures for any project scheduled in appropriation bills on or after April nineteen hundred seventy-two. Notwithstanding the provisions of any general or special law, the amounts hereby appropriated shall be made available from the Pure Water Bond Act authorizations and are contingent upon the repeal of existing authorizations elsewhere in this chapter. Notwithstanding the provisions of any general or special law, the moneys hereby appropriated shall not be made available until the director of the division of the budget issues a certificate of approval of availability with a schedule of approved and previously authorized projects for which such funds shall be used. No such certificates of approval of availability shall be issued for or include funds for projects which have not received a federal grant for the construction of sewage treatment related facilities (09178557) .



For the comprehensive construction programs, purposes and projects as herein specified in accordance with the following:

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