Let them adore the Lord, And praise his holy name, By whose Almighty word They all from nothing came; And all shall last, From changes free: His firm decree,
Stands ever fast.
His chosen saints by grace He lifts to thrones on high; And favours Israel's race, Who still to him are nigh: O, therefore raise Your grateful voice, And still rejoice The Lord to praise.
149 First Version.
A Song of Thanksgiving.
1 O PRAISE ye the Lord, Prepare your glad voice, His praise in the great Assembly to sing: In God the Creator Let Israel rejoice,
And children of Zion Be glad in their king. Let all who adore
Jehovah our Lord,
With heart and with tongue
His praises express;
Who always is ready
His saints to reward, And with his salvation The humble to bless.
With glory adorn'd
His people shall sing To God, who their heads With safety doth shield; Such honour and triumph His favour shall bring ; O therefore, for ever,
All praise to him yield.
149 Second Version. C. M. I ALL ye that love the Lord rejoice, And let your songs be new;
Amidst the church, with cheerful voice, His later wonders shew.
2 The Lord takes pleasure in the just, Whom sinners treat with scorn; The meek that lie despis'd in dust, Salvation shall adorn.
3 Saints should be joyful in their King, Ev'n on a dying bed;
And like the saints in glory sing,
For God shall raise the dead.
4 When Christ his judgment-seat ascends, And bids the world appear, Thrones are prepar'd for all his friends, That humbly love him here.
150 First Version. L. M.
Exhortation to universal praise.
10 PRAISE the Lord in that blest place, From whence his goodness largely flows; Praise him in heaven, where he his face Unveil'd in perfect glory shows.
2 Praise him for all the mighty acts Which he in our behalf hath done; His kindness this return exacts, With which our praise should equal run.
3 To praise awake each tuneful string, Harmonious let the concert rise; And to the solemn organ sing, That swells your raptures to the skies.
4 Let all that vital breath enjoy, The breath He doth to them afford, In just returns of praise employ :- Let every creature praise the Lord.
150 Second Version.
1 IN God's own house pronounce his praise, His grace he here reveals; To heaven your joy and wonder raise, For there his glory dwells.
2 Let all your sacred passions move, While you rehearse his deeds; But the great work of saving love Your highest praise exceeds.
3 All that have motion, life, and breath, Proclaim your Maker blest; Yet when my voice expires in death, My soul shall praise him best.
150 Third Version. 7. 7.
1 PRAISE, O praise the name divine, Praise it at the hallowed shrine; Let the firmament on high To its Maker's name reply.
2 Be the harp no longer mute, Sound the trumpet, touch the lute; Wake to life the tuneful string, Bring the lute, the timbrel bring. 3 Let the organ, in his praise, Learn its loudest notes to raise; And the cymbal's varying sound From the vaulted roof rebound. 4 All who vital breath enjoy, In his praise that breath employ; And in one vast chorus join; Praise, O praise the Name Divine !
Praise God from whom all blessings flow, Praise him all creatures here below; Praise him above, ye heavenly host, Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. 2 L. M.
To Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, The God whom earth and heaven adore, Be glory-as it was of old,
Is now, and shall be evermore.
To God the Father, God the Son, And God the Spirit, Three in One, Be honour, praise, and glory given, By all on earth, and all in heaven.
Glory to God the Father's name, To Jesus who for sinners died, Exalt the Holy Spirit's fame, By whom our souls are sanctify'd; God's praise was sung ere time began By angels thro' the starry spheres; And shall henceforth be sung by man, Redeem'd and blest, thro' endless years.
Immortal honour, endless fame, Ascribe to God the Father's name; Let God the Son be glorify'd, Who for lost man's redemption died, And equal praise for ever be, Eternal Comforter, to Thee!
Now to the Great and holy Three, The Father, Son, and Spirit, be Eternal praise and glory given: Let all on earth, where God is known, And all the saints around the throne, Unite to praise the God of heaven.
To Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, The God whom heaven's triumphant host, And suff'ring saints on earth adore;
All glory-as in ages past,
Be now ascrib'd, and ever last,
When time itself shall be no more.
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