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HEALTH DEPARTMENT. Aldermen Doyle, O'Brien, Lomasney, Gerry, Norris. Common Council — Mildram, Murphy (17), Starratt, Egan, Brown, Raftery, Lane, Weinberg.

Hospit AL DEPARTMENT. Aldermen—Doyle, Gerry, Bowen, Stewart, Kelly. Common Council — Fitzgerald (6), Curtis, O’Toole, Homans, Flynn, Gaylord, Raftery, Gavin.

INSTITUTIONs DEPARTMENT. Aldermen — Miller, O'Brien, Gerry, Kelly, Norris. Common Council — Jackson, Curley, Wood, Fitzgerald (6), Roberts, Carter, Homans, Raftery.

LAMP DEPARTMENT. Aldermen — Lomasney, Tinkham, Stewart, Miller, Kelly. Common Council Cadigan, MacDonald, O'Toole, Hannan, McDermott, Alexander, Fitzgerald (9), Howe.

LEGISLATIVE MATTERS. — Aldermen — Stewart, Norton, Tinkham, Bowen, Dyar. Common Council Davenport, Grady, Homans, Monaghan, Starratt, Carter, Weinberg, Hoban.

LIBRARY DEPARTMENT. Aldermen Dyar, Bowen, Gerry, Norris, Miller. Common Council Gaylord, O'Hare, Nitz, McMahon, McKee, Scigliano, Barrett, Dolan.

MARKET DEPARTMENT. Aldermen — Kelly, Tinkham, Bowen, Stewart, O'Brien. Common Council O'Toole, McKee, Scigliano, MacDonald, Hoban, Simms, O'Hare, Nitz.

MUSIC DEPARTMENT. Aldermen — Miller, Lomasney, Jordan, Norton, Norris. Common Council — Bromberg, Curley, McKee, Weinberg, Simms, Scigliano, *Flanagan, Power.

ORDINANCES AND LAW DEPARTMENT. Aldermen — Tinkham, Norris, Jordan, Norton, Lomasney. Common Council — Dolan, Burr, Scigliano, Thayer, Hickey, Homans, Curley, Beckford.

OversIEEING OF THE POOR DEPARTMENT. Aldermen — Gerry, O'Brien, Stewart, Bowen, Kelly. Common Council Roberts, Raftery, Weber, Flynn, Brown, Shiels, Cadigan, Weinberg.

PARK DEPARTMENT. Aldermen Norris, Tinkham, Stewart, Lomasney, Norton. Common Council Sheehan, Mildram, Hickey, Roberts, Egan, Staples, Shiels, Bromberg.

PolicE. — Aldermen Dyar, Norris, Norton, Miller, O'Brien. Common Council Grady, Wood, Cadigan, Gaylord, Hickey, McKee, Kenney, Wing.

PRINTING. — Aldermen — Bowen, Norton, Norris, Dyar, O'Brien. Common Council Hart, Whiteley, White, Curtis, Carter, Davenport, Shiels, Newton.

PUBLIC BUILDINGS DEPARTMENT. Aldermen Dyar, Lomasney, Stewart, Bowen, Norton. Common Council Jackson, Murphy (17), Newton, Gavin, Gaylord, Raftery, Howe, Kenney.

* Resigned.

PUBLIC GROUNDS DEPARTMENT. Aldermen Norris, O’Brien, Miller, Tinkham, Kelly. Common Council—Starratt, Doherty, Mildram, Egan, McKee, Gavin, Murphy (17), Weinberg. PUBLIC LANDS. — Aldermen — Stewart, Norris, Jordan, O’Brien, Bowen. Common Council Hart, Davenport, Carter, Battis, White, Weber, Kenney, Barrett. REGISTRY DEPARTMENT. Aldermen — Jordan, Lomasney, Gerry, Norton, Dyar. Common Council—Simms, Flanagan, Weber, Sullivan, Alexander, McMahon, Clark, Wing. SCHOOLS AND SCHOOL-HOUSEs. – Aldermen — O'Brien, Tinkham, Lomasney, Miller, Kelly. Common Council — Bromberg, Good, Bennett, Monaghan, Lorey, Young, Staples, Sheehan. STATISTICS DEPARTMENT. —Aldermen Gerry, Kelly, Bowen, Miller, Tinkham. Common Council Donnelly, Wood, Mullen, Beckford, Sheehan, Phelan, Curley, Kenney. STREET DEPARTMENT. Aldermen — Bowen, Stewart, Lomasney, Jordan, O’Brien. Common Council—Howe, Egan, Roberts, Doherty, Mildram, Gavin, “Teevens, fMurphy (5). STREET LAYING-OUT DEPARTMENT. Aldermen — Dyar, Norton, O’Brien, Miller, Bowen. Common Council White, Hannan, Dolan, Newton, Barrett, Whiteley, Young, Howe. TREASURY DEPARTMENT. Aldermen Stewart, Kelly, Lomasney, Gerry, O’Brien. Common Council — Burr, Cauley, Nitz, McDermott, Alexander, McMahon, *Flanagan, Clark. WESSELS AND BALLAST DEPARTMENT. — Aldermen—Kelly, Miller, Lomasney, Bowen, Stewart. Common Council — Gaylord, Clark, Phelan, *Flanagan, McMahon, Wood, Donnelly, fMurphy (5). WATER DEPARTMENT.—Aldermen—Jordan, Bowen, Tinkham, Norris, O’Brien. Common Cowmcil — Young, Staples, Hickey, Whiteley, Good, Simms, Hart, Kelly. WEIGHTS AND MEASURES DEPARTMENT. — Aldermen—Norton, Gerry, O’Brien, Tinkham, Kelly. Common Cowmcil—Hoban, Alexander, Fitzgerald (6), Burr, *Flanagan, Thayer, Power, Sullivan. "WIRE DEPARTMENT. —Aldermen—Stewart, Norton, O'Brien, Dyar, Bowen. Common Council — Curtis, Doherty, Whiteley, Dolan, Bennett, Lane, Fitzgerald (6), Kenney.


JULY FOURTH. Aldermen Doyle, Bowen, Dyar, Gerry, Jordan, Kelly, Lomasney, Miller, Norris, Norton, O'Brien, Stewart, Tinkham. Common Council Kiley, Battis, Carter, Doherty, Cadigan, Dolan, Grady, Donnelly, Hart, Fitzgerald (9), Newton, Bennett, MacDonald,

* Resigned. fl)eceased.

Monaghan, Shiels, Hickey, Gavin, Murphy (17), Good, Hoban, Davenport, Curtis, Lorey, Whiteley, Mildram, Howe.

JUNE SEVENTEENTH. Aldermen O'Brien, Bowen, Stewart, Kelly, Doyle, Dyar. Common Council–Doherty, Cadigan, Dolan, Cauley, fMurphy (5), McMahon, Wing, Mullen, Power.

LABor DAY. Aldermen — Bowen, Miller, Norton, Kelly, Norris, Gerry. Common Council O'Hare, Barrett, Newton, Mullen, Roberts, Carter, Starratt, Donnelly.

MAYOR'S ADDRESs. Aldermen — Gerry, Lomasney, Kelly, Jordan, Tinkham, Norris. Common Council Burr, Clark, Atwood, Curley, Roberts, *Flanagan, Sullivan, Newton.

MEMORIAL DAY. Aldermen Dyar, Bowen, Stewart, Kelly, O’Brien, Norris. Common Council — Hickey, Simms, Scigliano, Clark, Howe, Hart, Atwood, Newton.

RULES AND ORDERs. Aldermen Doyle, Jordan, O'Brien, Norton, Stewart. Common Council — Kiley, Woods, Doherty, MacDonald, Good, Lorey, Grady, Howe.

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The following table shows the manner in which Executive Officers or Heads of Executive Departments of the city are appointed or elected, the time of appointment or election, the term of office as prescribed by statute, ordinance, or both, and the salary received by each. All officers appointed by the Mayor are subject to confirmation by the Board of Aldermen, except those whose titles are marked

With a *.
OFFICES. Created. Salary.
By Whom. When. Begins Length of.
Assessors . . . . . . . . . . . . . Statute ..... Mayor....... Annually,
three . . . . . May 1...... Three years. $3,0001
Auditor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ordinance.. “ . . . . . Annually ..] “ 1...... One year.... 5,000
Bath Trustees......... “ . . . . . “. . . . . . Annually,
one or two “ 1...... Five years ... None.
Building C om m i S-
Sioner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Statute . . . . . “. . . . . . Triennially. “ 1, 1901. Three years. $5,000
Cemetery Trustees.... “. . . . . . “ . . . . . Annually,
one........s “ 1...... Five years . . . None
Children’s Institutions
Trustees * ........... “. . . . . . “. . . . . . Annually,
one or two “ 1...... & 4 6 4.
Clerk, City. . . . . . . . . . . . 46 ... . . 2City Council January.... When quali-
ed. . . . . . . One year.... $5,000
Clerk of Committees.. “ . . “. . . . . . & © May 1...... {{ 4,000
Collector, City......... “. . . . . . Mayor. ...... & 6 “ 1...... {{ 5,000
Election Commission.
ers * . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . “. . . . . . “. . . . . . Annually,
OL16 . . . . . . . “ 1...... Four years...] 3,5001
Engineer, City. . . . . . . . Ordinance.. “. . . . . . Annually ... “ 1...... One year.... 6,000
Fire Commissioner *... Statute . . . . . “. . . . . . Triennially. “ 1, 1901. Three years. 5,000
Health Commissioners. Ordinance.. “. . . . . . Annually,
OL16 . . . . . . . “ 1...... é & ....| 4,0001
Hospital, City, Trus-
tees. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ‘. . Statute ..... “ . . . . . { % “ 1. . . . . . Five years ..] None.
Hospital, Insane, Trus-
tees” . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . “ . . . . . “. . . . . . Annually,
one or two! “ 1...... 4 & {{
Institutions Registrar* “. . . . . . “. . . . . . Annually ..] “ 1...... One year.... $3,000
Lamps, Superintend-
©Ill Of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ordinance.. “ . . . . . & © “ 1...... go & 3,500
Law Officers:
Corporation Counsel. 46 “ . . . . . & 4 “ 1....... 6 & 7,500

1 Chairman, $500 additional.
* By concurrent vote.

H APPOINTED. TERM. OW - * OFFICES. Created. Salary. By Whom. When. Begins. Length of. City Solicitor........ Ordinance... Mayor. . . . . . . . Annually... May 1....... One year.... $7,500 Library, Public, Trustees of. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Statute...... £ 4 e e s e e a Annually, OD 8. . . . . . . . “ 1... . . . . Five years... None. Markets, Superintend- es ent of... . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ordinance.. “. . . . . . . Annually...| “ 1....... One year.... $3,000 Messenger, City ...... “. . . . 2City Council Annually ... “ 1....... 6 & ... . . 4,000 Music Trustees........ 4 & ... | Mayor. . . . . . . Annually, one........| “ 1....... Five years...| None. Overseers of the Poor. Statute...... “ . . . . . . Annually, four.... . . . “ 1.......] Three years.. $6 Park Commissioners.. “. . . . . . . “. . . . . . . Annually, ODé. . . . . . . . “. 1. . . . . . . 6 & to to o so go Pauper Institutions Trustees *... . . . . . . . . “. . . . . . . & & * * * * * * Annually, one or two.] “ 1... . . . . Five years... to 6 Penal Institution S Commissioner *. . . . . “. . . . . . . & 6 * g e. e. e. e. Triennially. “ 1, 1901. Three years. $5,000 Printing, Superintend- * ent Of....'. . . . . . . . . . . . Ordinance.. “ . . . . . . Annually... “ 1... . . . . One year....] 3,000 Public Buildings, Superintendent of...... & & to or “. . . . . . . § { “ 1. . . . . , so o 6 & ....] 3,600 Public Grounds, Su- perintendent of...... § { # * § { te e s to e e 6 & “ 1... . . . . { % ....| 4,000 Registrar, City........ Statute...... “. . . . . . . & 6 “ 1. . . . . . . { { ... . . 4,000 Sinking-Funds Com- * missioners. . . . . . . . . . . “. . . . . . . & & ... ...| Annually, two. . . . . . . “ 1....... Three years...] None. Soldiers’ Relief Commissioner... . . . . . . . . . . “. . . . . . . “. . . . . . . Annually... “ 1. . . . . . . One year....| $3,500 Statistics Trustees....] Ordinance.. “. . . . . . . Annually, OL18. . . . . . . . “ 1. . . . . . . Five years...| None. Streets, Superintendent of... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . & 4 to go “. . . . . . . Annually... “ 1... . . . . One year.... $7,500 street commissioners statute....}|V}.o. o. "#####|Three years. 4,000 Treasurer........ to o to £ to “s . . . . . . Mayor. . . . . . . Annually... May 1.......] One year ... 6,000 Vessels and Ballast, e Weighersoof......... “. . . . . . . & & to e o e o 'o Annually, three. . . . . . “ 1. . . . . . . to & .... I Fees. Water Commissioner+. | “. . . . . . . “. . . . . . . Triennially. “ 1, 1901. Three years...| $5,000 Weights and Meas- ures, Sealer of....... “. . . . . . . & 6 to to e e g so Annually... “ 1... . . . . One year....] 3,000 Deputy Sealers.. ... “. . . . . . . “. . . . . . . Annuall i.”...] ... 1....... “. .... 1,600 Wire Commissioner... “ . . . . . . “ . . . . . . Triennially. “ 1, 1900. Three years...] 5,000


1 Chairman, $500 additional.
? By concurrent vote.

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