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VOL. XX. (SECOND SERIES.)—JULY, 1892. — No. 115.

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Iman was either hollowed from the trunk of a tree, or made of skins stretched tightly over a wooden frame; usually very long and narrow, and requiring great skill in handling. The paddle was the means of propulsion. They were light, swift, and very convenient in inland waters. The modern sailing canoe inherits the lightness and speed of its ancestors, but modern mechanical skill has greatly improved its construction, and the sail has taken the place of the paddle. As defined by the rules of the American Canoe Association, the canoe is limited in size; sixteen feet in length by about thirty inches in width being

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VOL. XX.-I. (Copyright, 1892, by OVERLAND MONTHLY PUBLISHING Co.) All rights reserved.

Bacon & Company, Printers.

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dred and thirty miles north of San Francisco. To reach it the canoes, consisting of a fleet of ten boats, had to be shipped by train ninety-five miles to Cloverdale. From this point wagons were hired, and the boats stowed in them as comfortably as possible for the rough mountain journey of thirty-five miles. The trip was a long and tedious one in the hot sun, but the enjoyable cruising on the Lake amply repaid the canoeists for their trouble. Clear Lake is a beautiful place for a cruise, twenty to thirty miles in length, ten to fifteen miles wide, surrounded by the typical Coast Range mountains of California, with beautiful forests and game in plenty. Sandy beaches affording ideal camping ground are broken but in few places by rocks, and a line of tules forty or fifty feet from the shores grows all around the Lake. They grow thickly together in a belt ten or fifteen feet wide. Many a tale could these tules tell of disabled or frightened mariners. At times a considerable breeze would mar the otherwise placid lone surface, and at these times those who desired to seek shelter found it by running their boats through the tules to the narrow strip of smooth water between the tules and the shore.

The features of a cruise consist of sailing during the day, after which comes a jolly time about the camp fire, or else a little trip to startle the natives of some country burg. Feather beds are at a discount when the canoe is handy. Drawn up on the beach, with a canoe tent stretched between the two masts and made fast to the outside of the boat, the canoe makes the very finest sleeping apartment. A cruising canoe contains sufficient room for necessary camp equip. age with a dry storage compartment for more perishable provisions.

Three weeks were enjoyably spent by the canoeists on Clear Lake, entertainments and a regatta being provided by the people of Lakeport and Soda Bay.

The country people looked upon the little boats with open-eyed wonder, astonished that canoeists would come all the way from San Francisco just for a sail. Some of the boats on arriving home were considerably the worse for wear, from the mountain ride and exposure to the hot sun of Lake County.

This year the club received a pressing invitation to come again to the Lake, but probably until a railroad is constructed direct to its shores, and the rough trip in wagons thus done away with, the canoeists will have to be content with a less attractive place.

The next important cruise took place on the Sacramento River, and was enjoyed by Commodore Blow of the Canoe Club, A. H. Blow, and Geo. A. Warder, celebrated in Eastern canoeing circles as the Jabberwock, of Springfield, Ohio. They used light draft canoes specially constructed for the trip. were shipped by rail to Red Bluff, a point on the river one hundred and twenty miles above Sacramento, from which place the cruise commenced down stream. The Sacramento River furnishes the best cruising ground in California, if taken at the right time of the year, in April and May, after the heavy rains, and before the malaria-producing heat and the savage, merciless mosquito begin their ravages. The mosquitoes of the Sacramento have a well-earned reputation, and like all other productions of the great State of California, they are far ahead of any rivals. Backing is always abundant to match them against any other variety in the world, the Jersey preferred. And woe to the poor canoeist who does not use tobacco, for the smoke of this weed from a good old T. D. pipe is the only thing that will keep the mosquito at a distance.

The banks of the river are lined in most places with find oak trees and sandy beaches, affording the very choicest camping ground; the current is regular, with no bad rapids. Farm houses are



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