this room is exclusively appropriated to the reception of portraits of sovereigns, ambassadors, statesmen, and warriors, connected directly, or indirectly, with the memorable battle from which it takes its name. In this room, William IV. gave his grand dinners in commemoration of the battle of Waterloo. Here also his majesty lay in state after his demise. On leaving this room one cannot help exclaiming— "Heroes returning from the field we crown, And deify the haughty victor's frown, His splendid wealth too rashly we admire, Catch the disease, and burn with equal fire; Wisely to spend is the great art of gain, And one reliev'd transcends a thousand slain. When time shall ask where once Ramilia lay, Or Danube flow'd, which swept whole troops away; One drop of water, that refresh'd the dry, Shall raise a fountain of perpetual joy." From the Waterloo Chamber we are conducted into The Presence Chamber, sometimes called the Ball, or Grand Reception, Room. This noble room is 90 feet long, 34 broad, and 33 high. Its decorations are of the style of Louis XIV. The walls are embellished with some fine specimens of Gobelin tapestry, representing the story of Jason and Medea. They are said to have adorned the rooms of queen Marie Antoinette. The subjects are "The marriage of Jason and Creusa." "The combat of the soldiers born of the dragon's teeth. "The flight of Medea to Athens, after having murdered her two sons." "Jason pledging his faith to Medea." "Creusa consumed by the fatal robe," and "Jason carrying off the Golden Fleece." For the better understanding this subject, see any classical dictionary, where the whole story of Jason and Medea may be seen. Near the window is a magnificant malachite vase, presented to queen Victoria by the emperor Nicholas of Russia; and two elaborately worked granite vases, presented to king William IV. by Frederick William III., king of Prussia. We now come to St. George's Hall, or the Grand Banqueting Hall, the largest apartment in the castle, being 200 feet long, 34 feet broad, and 32 feet high. Asso ciated with the order of the garter, and the chivalry of: England, it possesses considerable interest. Its ceiling is decorated with the emblazoned arms of the knights of this most illustrious fraternity, from the period of its first institution in 1350 to the present time. At the east end is the sovereign's throne of oak, covered with scarlet plush. The walls are embellished with the portraits of the following Sovereigns:-James I.; Charles I., in his coronation robes; Charles II.; James II.; Mary II.; William III.; Queen Anne; George I.; George II.; George III., and George IV. These portraits are on the north side. On the south side of the wall the names of the knights are painted between the panels of the windows, to each of which is affixed a number, corresponding to that attached to the arms on the ceiling, commencing with those of Edward III. and the Black Prince. Reserving what still remains to be said of this wonderful place for another communication, Old Winsford would conclude in those beautiful lines, which he hopes all his young friends will learn by heart, referring to a far happier place than Windsor Castle, and which they may all enjoy. There is a world we have not seen, Which time shall never dare destroy, There is a region lovelier far, Than sages tell, or poet's sing; There is a world, and O how blest, And never did an angel guest, It is all holy and serene, The land of glory, and repose; It is not fann'd by summer's gale, It never needs the moon-beam pale, No, for that land is ever bright, With a pure radiance all its own, Flow round it from the eternal throne. There forms which mortals may not see, In vain the philosophic eye, May seek to view that far abode; It is the dwelling place of God. ON THE DAY OF JUDGMENT. The following is a copy of a bill, written by the late Rev. Rowland Hill, which at Richmond, on Saturday, 4th of June, 1774, was stuck up close to the Play Bill for that day. The design of the author was to divert the minds of the gay and dissipated from the vain amusements of the Theatre, and to fix their attention to the awful circumstances which shall usher in and succeed "The great and terrible day of the Lord." By command of the King of Kings (a) and at the desire of all who love his appearing. (b) At the Theatre of the Universe (c) on the eve of time (d) will be performed The Great Assize, or Day of Judgment(e). The Scenery, which is now actually preparing, will not only surpass everything that has yet been seen, but will infinitely exceed the utmost stretch of human conception. (f) There will be a just Representation of all the inhabitants of the world, in their various and proper colours; and their customs and manners will be so exact, and so minutely delineated, that the most secret thought will be discovered. (g) "For God shall bring every Work into Judgment, with every secret thing, whether it be Good or whether it be Evil." Eccl. xii. 14. This Theatre will be laid out after a new plan, and will consist of PIT AND GALLERY Only; and contrary to all others, the Gallery is fitted up for the reception of persons of High (or heavenly) Birth, (h) and the Pit for those of low or earthly) Rank. (i) N.B.-The Gallery is very spacious, (k) and the Pit without bottom. (1) To prevent inconvenience, there are separate doors for admitting the Company; and they are so different, that none can mistake that are not wilfully blind. The door which opens into the Gallery is very narrow, and the steps up to it somewhat difficult; for which reason there are seldom many people about it. (m) But the door that gives entrance into the Pit is very wide and very commodious; which causes such numbers to flock to it, that it is generally crowded. (n)-N.B. The straight door leads towards the right hand, and the broad one to the left. (0) It will be in vain for one in a tinselled coat and borrowed language to personate one of High Birth, in order to get admittance into the upper places, (p) for there is One of wonderful and deep penetration, who will search and examine every individual; (q) and all who cannot pronounce Shibbolith (r) in the language of Canaan, (s) or has not received a white stone and a new Name; (t) or cannot prove a clear title to a certain portion of the Land of Promise; (u) must be turned in at the left door. (w) The Principal Performers are described in Thess. iv. 10; 2 Thess. i. 7, 8, 9; Matth. xxiv. 30, 31, and xxv. 31, 32; Daniel vii. 9, 10; Jude 14 to 19; Rev. xx. 12 to 15, &c. But as there are some people much better acquainted with the contents of a Play Bill, than the Word of God, it may not be amiss to transcribe a verse or two for their perusal : "The Lord Jesus Christ shall be revealed from Heaven with his mighty Angels, in flaming fire, taking vengeance on them that obey not the Gospel," but "to be glorified in his saints. (x) A fiery stream issued and came forth from before him. Thousand thousands ministered unto him, and ten thousand times ten thousand stood before him; the Judgment was set, and the Books were opened, (y) And whomsoever was not found in the Book of Life was cast into the Lake of Fire.”(~) Act first of this grand and solemn piece, will be opened by an Archangel with the trump of God!!! "For the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised."-1 Cor. XV. 52. Act second, Procession of Saints, in white, with Golden Harps, accompanied with shouts of Joy and songs of Praise. (a) Act third, an Assemblage of all the Unregenerate. (b) The music will chiefly consist of Cries (c) accompanied with Weeping, Wailing, Mourning, Lamentation, and Woe. (d) To conclude with an Oration by the Son of God. It is written in the 25th of Matthew, from the 31st verse to the end of the chapter; but for the sake of those who seldom read the Scriptures, I shall here transcribe two verses.Then shall the King say to them on his right hand, "Come ye blessed of my Father, inherit the Kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world.” Then shall he also say unto them on his left hand, "Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared (not, indeed, for you, but) for the Devil and his Angels." After which the curtain will drop. Then! O to tell! Some raised on high, and others doomed to hell! John v. 28, 29. These praise the Lamb, and sing redeeming Love, Rev. v. 9; xiv. 3, 4. Lodged in his bosom, all his goodness prove; Luke xvi. 22, 23. While those who trampled under foot his grace, Luke xix. 14, 27. Are banished now, for ever from his Face, Matt. xxv. 30. 2 Thess. i. 9. Divided thus, a gulf is fixed between, Luke xvi. 26. And everlasting closes up the scene. Matt. xxv. 46. |