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Consecration of the water in baptism, an-
cient and decent, 345.

Cope, what sort of habit, 104. by whom
and when to be worn, 105.
Coroner's warrant, no rule for giving Chris-
tian burial to persons who lay violent
hands upon themselves, 472.
Corporal, or linen cloth, thrown over the
consecrated elements at the commu-
nion, 308.

Cousins, no cousins prohibited marriage,
406. why not, 407.

Creed, (the Apostles',) why called Creed,
147. why called Symbolum, ib. the anti-
quity of it, 148. when first recited pub-
licly, ib. why placed between the Lessons
and prayers, 148, 149. to be repeated by
the whole congregation, why, 149. to be
repeated standing, why, ib. why with
their faces towards the east, ib.

(of St. Athanasius,) the scruple which
some make against it answered, 150.
why used on the days mentioned in the
rubric, 151.

(Nicene,) why placed next after the
Epistle and Gospel, 269. an account of
it, ib.

Crispin, martyr; some account of him, 73.
Cross, (invention of the,) what day so call-
ed, and why, 61.

in baptism, used twice by the primi-
tive Christians, 338. the antiquity and
meaning of it, 356. why made after bap-
tism, 359. why made upon the forehead,

in the consecration of the Eucharist,
an ancient and general practice, 297.
—in Confirmation, ancient and catho-
lic, 392.

Curates, who meant by them in the prayer
for the clergy and people, 161.
Cycle of the moon. See Golden Num-

of the sun; the Sunday letter impro-
perly called the cycle of the sun, 47. the
use of it, ib. why it consists of twenty-
eight years, 49. how to find the domini-
cal letter, ib.

St. Cyprian, bishop of Carthage, and mar-
tyr, 71. the Cyprian in the Roman ca-
lendar a different person, ib.

David, archbishop of Menevia, afterwards
called St. David's; some account of him,

Days, one in seven, why kept holy, 185.
Deacons not to pronounce absolution, 120.
Dead, praying for them, an ancient and
catholic practice, 282. inconsistent with
the doctrine of purgatory, ib. in what
sense used in king Edward's Common
Prayer, 481. how far implied in our pre-
sent Liturgy, 482.

Dead bodies, the care of them an act of
religion, 464. the reasons of that care,

Deadly sin, what it signifies, 170.

Dedication of churches, the feast of it, on
what day to be observed in England.
See Churches.

Denys the Areopagite; some account of
him, 72.

Desks, or reading-pews, the original of
them, 108.

Dipping in baptism. See Immersion.
Doctrine and Erudition (necessary) for

any Christian Man, a book with that ti-
tle put out by king Henry VIII., 23.
Dominica in Albis, what Sunday so called
and why, 232.

Dominical letter. See Cycle of the Sun-
day Letter.

Doxology, (For thine is the kingdom, &c.,)
its being added by St. Matthew, and
omitted by St. Luke, no objection to the
Lord's Prayer being a form, 4. why
sometimes added in the Liturgy, and
sometimes omitted, 124.

(Glory be to the Father, &c.,) cor-
rupted by the Arians, and for that rea-
son enlarged by the Church, 126. used
at the end of all the psalms and hymns,
and why, 132, 133.

St. Dunstan, archbishop of Canterbury;
some account of him, 62.
Duties, Ecclesiastical, what, and when to
be paid, 321, 322.

East, why the primitive Christians turned
that way in their worship, 86. why
chancels stand at the east end of the
church, ib. why people turn their faces
that way when they say the Creed, 149.
why people are buried with their feet
towards the east, 486.

Easter, the rule for finding it, 35. upon

what occasion it was framed, 36. Eas-
ter differently observed in different
Churches, ib. ordered to be every where
observed on the same day by the Council
of Nice, ib. the paschal canons passed in
that Council, ib. the new and full moons
ordered to be found by the golden num-
bers, 37. Easter by that means was kept
sometimes too soon, and sometimes too
late, ib. the paschal limits answering the
golden numbers, 38. cycles and tables
invented to find Easter for ever, 39.
found to be erroneous, 42.
Easter-day, when first observed, and why
so called, 228. the anthems instead of
the Venite Exultemus, why appointed,
ib. the rest of the service for it explain-
ed, 229. why a prescribed time for com-
municating, 230. the whole time be-
tween Easter and Whitsuntide formerly
observed, ib. the week after Easter how
observed formerly, and why, 231. the
Sundays after Easter, their services how
proper, 232.

Easter-eve, how observed in the primitive
Church, 226. how observed by the
Church of England, 227. the service for

it, ib.

Edmund, king and martyr; some account
of him, 76.
Edward the Confessor, his translation, 73.

king of the West Saxons; some ac-
count of him, 59. his translation, another
festival formerly observed, 65.
Elements in the Eucharist, consecrated by
our Saviour with a solemn blessing, 297.
the form and manner of administering
them to the communicants, 303. private
consecration of them how far allowed,
458. See Bread and Wine.
Ember-weeks, what they were, and why so
called, 207. at what seasons observed,
ib. why ordinations are affixed to those
times, 208. the prayers to be used at
those times, when first added, 181.
Epact, the occasion of it, 45. how it an-

swers the golden number, ib. how to
find it, 46. the use of it in finding the
moon's age, ib. why it shews the moon's
age truer than the golden number, 47.
Epiphany, what the word signifies, 213.
used formerly for Christmas-day, ib. the
ancient names of it, ib. the service for it,
214. the services for the Sundays after
the Epiphany, ib. the feast of it, to what
end instituted, 215.

Epistler and gospeller, why appointed, 268.
Epistles for Sundays and holy-days, the
antiquity of them, 201. in what version
they are used, ib. their order and me-
thod, ib. the suitableness of them to the
several days, ib. why the Epistles are
read before the Gospels, 268.

Erudition for any Christian Man. See

Espousals, what they were formerly, 411.
how supplied now, 412.

Etheldred, virgin; some account of her, 73.
Evangelist, not a distinct officer by him-
self, 95.

Eucharist, the virtue of it, 254. whence so
called, 289. See Communion Service.
Eves, why called vigils, 192. the original
of them, ib. which festivals have eves,
and which not, and why, 193. the eve of
a festival that falls upon a Monday, to
be observed on the Saturday, 194.
Eunurchus, bishop of Orleans; some ac-
count of him, 70.

Excommunication, the internal effects of
it 442. an ipso facto excommunication,
how it differs from an ordinary one, 470.
persons dying excommunicate not capa-
ble of Christian burial, 469. whether a
person that incurs an ipso facto excom-
munication can be refused Christian
burial before sentence is pronounced,

Exhortations to the Communion, why
there were none in the primitive Litur-
gies, 284. the usefulness of those in our
office, 285.

Exorcising in baptism, an ancient prac-
tice, 339.

Expectation week, what week so called,
and why, 236.

Ezekiel, why some part of it is not read
for Lessons, 136.

Fabian, bishop and martyr; some account
of him, 55.

Faith, virgin and martyr; some account
of her, 72.

Fasting, how ancient and universal a duty,
197. how distinguished from abstinence
in the Church of Rome, 198. what days
appointed for one and the other, ib.
whether distinguished in our own
Church, 198, 199. days of fasting, how
observed by the primitive Christians,


Festivals, how requisite to be observed,
187. Jewish festivals not to be observed
by Christians, ib. Christian festivals,
how early observed, ib. in what manner
observed by the primitive Christians,
188. what and how observed by the
Church of England, 189. why the Curate
is to bid them, ib. what to be done in
the concurrence of holy-days, ib. and
why lengthened out for several days,
292. why fixed to eight days, ib.
Forms of prayer, a full vindication of the
joint use of precomposed set forms of
prayer, 2.

Fonts, why so called, 336. why generally
placed at the lower end of the church,
ib. formerly very large, ib. why made of
stone, 337.

Friday, why observed as a fast day, 199.
Full moon. See Easter. See Epact.
Funerals, variously performed, 465. some-
times by burying, which was the most
ancient and natural, ib. sometimes by
burning, ib. always performed with due
solemnity, 466. See Burial of the Dead.
See Dead Persons.

Genesis, why appointed to be read in
Lent, 137.

St. George, martyr; some account of him,
61. how he came to be patron of the
English, ib.

Giles, abbot and confessor; some account
of him, 69.

Glory be to the Father, &c. See Doxology.
Godfathers and godmothers, the original,
antiquity, and use of them, 335. the
number of them, ib. whence called
sureties and witnesses, ib. the qualifica-
tions required in them, 336. no parents
to be admitted, ib. nor persons that
have not received the Communion, ib.
the reasonableness of admitting a vica-
rious stipulation, 341. why the god.
fathers or godmothers are to name the
child, 346. the ill practice of choosing
unfit persons to this office, 361. a god
father or godmother required at Con
firmation, 387.

Golden number, by whom invented, and
why so called, 42. the occasion of it, and

how brought into the calendar, ib. why
now left out of the calendar, 43. how to
find the golden number of any year, 44.
Good-Friday, why so called, 225. why ob-
served as a fast, ib. the Gospel for it,
why taken out of St. John, ib. the rest
of the service for it, ib.
Gospels for the Sundays and holy-days,
the antiquity of them, 201. in what ver-
sion they are used, ib. their order and
method, ib. the suitableness of them to
the several days, 202. standing up at the
Gospel, why enjoined, 269.

Gospeller and epistler, why appointed, 268.
Gregory the Great, bishop of Rome, and

confessor; some account of him, 58.
Habits for the Minister. See Ornaments.
Hallelujah, how anciently and universally
used, 127.

Hilary, bishop and confessor; some ac-
count of him, 55.

Holy-cross-day; what day so called, and
why, 70.

Holy-days, (popish,) why retained in our
calendar, 53. See Festivals.
Homilies of the Church of England, by

whom composed, and when, 272.
Honey, milk, and salt, why given an.
ciently to the new baptized, 326. why
discontinued, ib.

Hood, by whom first used, 102. why used

by the monks, 103. why used in cathe-
drals and universities, ib.

Hours, the third and ninth the times of
the Jewish sacrifice, and why, 79. the
same hours observed for prayer by the
primitive Christians, 80. why not en-
joined by the Church of England, ib.

canonical, for celebrating marriage,

Hugh, bishop of Lincoln; some account
of him, 75.

Hymns, the antiquity of them, 142. why
used after the Lessons, ib. when first
added, ib.

January 30, a form of prayer for it, 510.
St. Jerome, priest, confessor, and doctor;
some account of him, 72.

Jesus, reverence to be made at the name
of Jesus, 149.

Images, the use of them forbid in the pri-
mitive Church, 86. a remarkable in-
stance of it, 87.

Immersion, or dipping in baptism, most
primitive and significant, 348. See Af-
fusion. See Trine Immersion.
Immovable feasts, why placed by them-
selves in the Common Prayer Book, 246.
observations on some of them, ib.
Impediments to marriage, what, 402, &c.
Imposition of hands essential to Confirm-

ation, 389. a blow on the cheek used in-
stead of it by the Church of Rome, 389,

Incestuous marriages, what marriages so
called, and why, 406.

Infant baptism. See Baptism of Infants.
innocents'-day, why observed, 190. why

observed presently after Christmas-day,
210. the service for it explained, 211.
Institutions (godly and pious) of a Chris-
tian Man, a book with that title put out
by king Henry VIII., 23.
Introits, what they were, and how ancient,
204. the introits for every Sunday and
holy-day throughout the year, ib.
Invention of the Cross, a day so called,
and why, 61.

St. John Baptist, his day why observed,
189. why commemorated by his nativity,
252. his beheading, what day so called,

St. John Evangelist, why commemorated
at Christmas, 210. the service for his
day, how proper, 211.

ante Port. Lat., what day so called,
and why, 62.

Isaiah, why reserved to be read in Ad-
vent, 136.

June 20, a form of prayer for it, 519.
Kalendar, (or Calendar,) 52.
Kneeling, the Sacrament to be received
kneeling, 304. the Apostles probably re-
ceived it in a posture of adoration, ib.
though their posture does not bind us,
305. when kneeling first began, ib. how
universal and reasonable a practice, 306.
the protestation concerning it, 323. the
Minister, why sometimes to stand and
sometimes to kneel, 155.

Lambert, bishop and martyr; some ac-
count of him, 71.

Lammas-day, what day so called, and why,

St. Laurence, archdeacon of Rome, and
martyr; some account of him, 68.
Lawn sleeves, a bishop's habit, 104.
Lay-baptism, allowed by our Church at the
first Reformation, 363. but afterwards
prohibited by both houses of convoca-
tion, ib. whether valid or effectual in the
sense of our Church, 365.

Leap-years, whence called Bissextile, 248.
Legends, what they were, 139.

Lent, the original and antiquity of it, 217.
variously observed at first, ib. why li
mited to forty days, 218. why so called,
ib. why to end at Easter, ib. how ob
served by the primitive Christians, ib.
the Sundays in Lent, the services ap-
pointed for them, 221. how they are
named, ib.

Leonard, confessor; some account of him,

Lessons, why they follow the Psalms, 135.
the antiquity of them, ib. the order of
the first Lessons for ordinary days, 136.
why some books of the Old Testament
are not read, ib. Isaiah, why reserved
for Advent, ib. the first Lessons for
Sundays, 137. Genesis, why read in
Lent, ib. first Lessons for saints' days

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138. for holy-days, ib. the order of the
second Lessons, ib. the Revelation, why
not read, ib. what posture the Minister
and people ought to be in when the Les-
sons are reading, 142.

Let us pray, often used, and why, 152.
Licence, the penalty of a Minister that
marries without licence or banns, 396.
Lights upon the altar enjoined by the ru-
bric, 106.

Litany, what the word signifies, 163. why
sung in the middle of the choir, 164. the
original of them in this form, ib. used
formerly in processions, ib. on what days
to be used, and why, 165. at what time
of the day, ib. one out of every family
in the parish to be present at it, 166.
the irregularity of singing it by laymen,
167. the method and order of it, 168, &c.
when properly ended, 503.
Liturgy, the lawfulness and necessity of a
national precomposed one, 1, &c.
Liturgy of the Church of England, how it
stood before the Reformation, 22. what
was done in relation to it in king Henry
VIII.'s reign, ib. See Common Prayer

Lord be with you, &c., why placed between

the Creed and the Lord's Prayer, 152.
Lord have mercy upon us, &c., the anti-
quity and use of this form, 152, 153. why
placed before the Lord's Prayer, ib. the
clerk and people not to repeat it a second
time after the Minister, ib.

Lord's Prayer, prescribed by our Saviour
for the constant use of his Church, 4.
objections against it answered, ib. &c.
always used by the primitive Church, 7.
why used in all offices, and generally at
the beginning, 123. why repeated aloud
by the whole congregation, 124. why
repeated more than once in an office, ib.
Lord's Supper, daily received by the pri-
mitive Church, 312. the care of the
Church in administering it to persons in
danger of death, 458. See Communion

Low-Sunday, what day so called, and why,
232. the service for it, 233.

St. Lucian, confessor and martyr; some
account of him, 55.

Lucy, virgin and martyr; some account of
her, 77.

St. Luke, his day, why observed, 190.
Lunar year, how computed, 44.
Machutus, bishop; some account of him,


Margaret, virgin and martyr at Antioch;
some account of her, 66.
St. Mark, his day, why observed, 190.
why observed as a day of abstinence by
the Church of Rome, 198.
Marriage, a divine institution, 394. must
be performed by a lawful Minister, ib.
not before banns be published on three
Sundays, or licence obtained, 395. at no

2 M

time prohibited, 397. though not decent
at some seasons, 398. to be solemnized
in one of the churches where banns were
published, ib. to be performed between
the hours of eight and twelve in the
morning, 399. in what part of the church
to be solemnized, 400. who to be present
at the solemnization, ib. the man, why
to stand at the right hand of the woman,
401. the impediments to marriage, what
they be, 402. no cousins prohibited mar-
riage, 406. the mutual consent of the
parties to be asked, 409. the husband's
duty, ib. the wife's duty, 410. the father
or friend why to give the woman, 412.
and the Minister why to receive her, 413.
their right hands why to be joined,
ib. the mutual stipulation explained at
large, 414. the meaning of the ring. See
Ring. The married persons ought to
receive the Sacrament, 425. the advan-
tage of communicating on the day of
marriage, ib.

St. Martyn, bishop and confessor; his
translation, 65.

Martyrs, the days of their death, why ob-
served, and why called their birth-days,


Mary Magdalene, why her festival is dis-
continued, 66.

the Virgin, her visitation, on what
day formerly commemorated, 65. her
nativity, on what day formerly comme-
morated, 70. her conception, on what day
formerly commemorated, 77.
Matrimony. See Marriage.

Masses, solitary, not allowed of by the
Church of England, 317.

St. Matthias's day, on what day to be ob
served in leap-years, 248.

Maundy Thursday, why so called, 224.
the Epistle, why concerning the insti-
tution of the Lord's Supper, ib. the prac-
tice of the primitive Church on this day,
ib. the church-doors why set open on
this day, 225.

May 29, a form of prayer for it, 514.
St. Michael and All Angels, why observed,

190. St. Michael, why particularly com-
memorated, 253.

Middle state, the ancient notion concern-
ing it, 282.

Midlenting, or mothering, the rise of that
custom, 222.

Milk, honey, and salt, why given ancient-
ly to the new baptized, 326. why discon-
tinued, ib.

Millennium, the notion of it very primi-
tive, 282.

Ministers, sometimes to stand, and some-
times to kneel, why, 155.
Ministry, the necessity of a divine commis-
sion to qualify a person for the ministry,
91, &c. the necessity of episcopal ordina-
tion, 94. three distinct orders set apart
by the Apostles to the ministry, 95.

[blocks in formation]

Morning and evening prayer to be said
daily, either openly or privately, by
every priest and deacon, 80. the form
and order of it in the primitive Church,

Mothering. See Midlenting.

Musical instruments used in singing of
Psalms, 131.

Name given to children at baptism, why,

346. heathen and wanton names pro-
hibited, 347. to be given by the god-
fathers or godmothers, and why, ib.
Name of Jesus, what day so called, 68.
New Moon, how to find it by the golden
number in the calendar, 43. See Epact.
See Easter. See Golden Number.
Nicene Creed. See Creed, Nicene.
Nicolas, bishop of Myra in Lycia; some
account of him, 77.

Nicomede, a Roman priest and martyr;
some account of him, 64.
November 5, a form of prayer for it, 508.
Oblation of the Eucharist after consecra-

tion, always practised by the ancients,
298. our present prayer of oblation man-
gled and displaced, 299.

Octaves, or the eight days after the prin-

cipal feasts, how formerly observed, 212.
for what reason, 293.

Offertory, the sentences in the commu-
nion office so called, and why, 275.
Orders of the Ministers, three distinct
ones set apart by the Apostles, 94.
Ordination, by a bishop, the necessity of
it, 94. presbyters never invested with it,
96. at what seasons performed, 208.
Organs, the antiquity of them, 132.
Ornaments, or habits, enjoined to be worn

by the Ministers, and in the church, 98.
offensive to Bucer and Calvin, 105. dis-
continued in the second book of king
Edward, ib. but restored again by queen
Elizabeth, 106.

O Sapientia, what day so called, and why,


Pall at the communion. See Corporal.
Palla Altaris, and Palla Corporis, what,
and how distinguished, 265.

Palls worn by archbishops, the original of
them, 56.

Palm-Sunday, why so called, 222.
Paranymphs, or bridemen, their antiquity,

Parents, not allowed to stand godfathers
or godmothers for their own children,
336. the want of their consent an im-
pediment to their children's marriage,

Parliament, the prayer for it, when first
added, 182.

Passing-bell, why formerly ordered to be
rung, 457.

Passion-Sunday, what Sunday so called,
and why, 222.
Passion-week, why called the great week,
and the holy week, 222. how formerly
observed, ib. how observed by the
Church of England, 223. the services
appointed for it, ib.

Pastoral staff, an account of it, 105.
St. Paul, his day, why not formerly in the
table of holy-days, 189. why commemo-
rated by his conversion, 247.

A Peal to be rung before and after every
burial, 473, 490.

Penitents, the form of driving them out
of the church on Ash-Wednesday, 220.
the form of reconciling them on Maun-
dy Thursday, 224.

Perpetua, a Mauritanian martyr; some
account of her, 58.

St. Philip, whether the Apostle or deacon,
commemorated by our Church, 252.
Pie, why so called, 140.

Pica letters, why so called, ib.

Places, the necessity of having appropri
ate places for the public worship of God,
Polygamy forbid by the New Testament,


Pope receives the Sacrament sitting, 306.
Postils, sermons formerly so called, and
why, 272.

Prayers, not to be repeated by the people

aloud, 123. why divided into short Col-
lects, 155. essential to Confirmation, 390.
Preceding marriage, an impediment to
marriage, 402.

Presbyters were never invested with the

power of ordination, 96. the same per-
sons called both presbyters and bishops
in the New Testament, 97.
Primer of king Henry VIII., some account
of it, 23.

Prisca, Roman virgin and martyr; some
account of her, 55.

Processions, what sort of them allowed in
England, 234.

Psalms used by the Apostles and primitive
Christians, 9, 130. why they follow the
Confession and Absolution, &c., 128.
why used oftener than any other part of
Scripture, 129. whether all the members
in a mixed congregation may properly
use some expressions in the Psalms, ib.
why sung or said by course, 130. by
whom first set to music, 131. why to be
repeated standing, 132. the course ob-
served in reading them, 133. to be used
after the translation in the Old Bible,
134. which the proper place for singing
psalms, 159.

Publication of what things to be made in
churches, and by whom, 271.

Purgatorial fire, how far held by some an-
cient Fathers, 282.

Purification, the feast of it, 247. why call-
ed Candlemas-day, 248.

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