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7. These are the principal Instructions necessary to direct you in the progress of a Christian Life. All which that you may be able to practise, you must apply your selves to God in hearty Prayer for his Affistance: Which if you do with Faith, Constancy, and Importunity; ye shall certainly obtain whatever ye defire; at least so far, and in such manner and degree, as is needful for you.

8. For whosoever thus prays, with Faith, Earnestness, and Perfeverance; God, as a merciful and tender Father, cannot deny him any thing that is neceffary for him.

9, 10. For if even among † you frail and mortal Men, who are Tenacious, Paffionate and Froward, there is no one, who when his Son begs of him any thing useful or necessary

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† The words, τις ξ ὑμῶν ἀνθρωπG, are very emphatical:

What Man? Or, who among you Men?

for Life, can either deny to give it him, or give him any thing hurtful or useless in its stead:

11 If ye then being evil, know how to give good gifts

unto your children, how much more shall your Father which is in heaven give

good things to them that ask him?


12 Therefore all :

things whatsoever


11. If Men, I say, who are wicked, and peevish and ill-natured, cannot but give good things to their Children ; How much shall God, who is infinitely good and merciful, the gracious Creator and Preserver of all things, give such things as are needful to those who earnestly pray for them?

12. And now if God thus deals with Mankind, as to give them whatever they could reasonably expect from a most kind and loving Father; Then ought ye also so to deal with one another, as that every one be willing to do that always to another, which he can in reason expect another should do to him. This is that great Rule, wherein is contained our whole Duty towards our Neighbour: This is the sum of true Religion, of Righteousness and Equi


ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them: for this is the law

and the prophets.


ty: This is what Nature and the Reason of Things teaches: And this is what all God's Revelations to Mankind in the Law and the Prophets, tend ultimately to establish.

13. Thefe Precepts may perhaps seem hard to Men that are covetous, sensual, and lovers of the World; and there are but few who will be at the pains to praCtise them fincerely. 'Tis true: But if ye will attain eternal Happiness, ye must refolve to be Imitators of those few, and to be content to follow them in the narrow Path of Virtue. Way to Destruction is broad, foft and eafie; and 'tis in this that the careless Multitude walk :


14. But the Way to Happiness is narrow, and the Paths of Virtue are rough; and there are but few that can deny themselves the Pleasures, and Vanities, and Gaieties of the World, that they may be able to walk therein.



13 Enter ye in at the ftrait gate; for wide is the gate, and broad is the way that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat:


14 Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way which leadeth unto life, and few there be that

find it.

15 Beware of 15. There are many false prophets, which indeed that will pretend come to you in theeps clothing, but to conduct you in this Way inwardly they are to Happiness; But take ravening wolves. care that ye be not deceived by false Pretenders. They will come come to you with great shews of Piety, and specious appearances of Humility and Innocence; But their fecret Design will be to pervert you by false Doctrines, to serve their Lufts; and promote their own gain, by robbing and devouring you.

16 Ye shall know them by their fruits: Do grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles ?



16. Ye shall know them from sincere Preachers of Righteousness, by the tendency of their Doctrine, and by their Works and Actions; by their Pride, or their Covetousness, or their Sensuality, or their Contentiousness, or the like. For as Thorns cannot bring forth Grapes, or Thistles bear Figs; so the Scope of a Man's Doctrine and the Actions of his Life, will difcover themselves to be suitable to the Dispositions of his Mind.

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17. As every good Tree bringeth forth good Fruit, and every corrupt Tree bad Fruit; so every good Man doth good things, and every evil Man evil things.

18. A good Man can no more do evil things, than a good Tree can bring forth bad Fruit; and a bad Man, notwithstanding all his Hypocrifie, can no more really and habitually do good things, than a corrupt Tree can bring forth good Fruit.

19. Every Tree that bringeth not forth good Fruit, however it may look fair and be full of Leaves, is yet by Men counted good for nothing, but to be cut down and burnt: In like manner every Man, whose Doctrine tends not to Virtue, and whose Works are not righteous,and just, and good; whatever pretences he may make to Piety and Religion ; is certainly a bad Man, and if he continues so, designed by God to deftruction.

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19 Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit, is into the fire.

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20 Where

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