1824-1825. Containing a most complete and accurate alphabetical list of Noblemen, Gentlemen, Merchants, and others, resident in Edinburgh and Leith, and their Suburbs; besides every information regarding the Post Office arrangements, accessible only to the Proprietors of this Directory, including a great variety of new matter not hitherto published. 4s. Edinburgh Annual Register for 1823. 8vo. L.1, Is. Redgauntlet. A Tale of the Eighteenth Century. By the Author of Waverley. 3 vols. L.1, 11s. 6d. An Account of the Bell Rock LightHouse; with a Circumstantial Detail of the Operations carried on during the Progress of its Erection, &c. By Robert Stevenson, F.R.S.E., Civil Engineer. In royal quarto. Embellished with Numerous Engravings, and a Frontispiece from a drawing by Turner. This Work will be found of much practical utility, not only in operations of a similar kind, but in Marine Architecture in general; affording, at the same time, a view of the difficulties to be encountered and overcome in concluding a great National undertaking. As only 240 Copies of this interesting work are printed for sale, early application for Copies will be necessary. A Tour in Germany, and in some of the Provinces of the Austrian Empire, in the years 1821 and 1822. 2 vols. small oc tavo. Supplement to Playfair's Geometry, and Wood's Algebra; completing a course of Mathematics in Theory and Practice. By Thomas Duncan, A.M. Professor of Mathematics in the University of St Andrews. 2 vols. 8vo. L.1, ls. A Glance at the Salmon Fisheries of Scotland, with regard to the Stake Net Question. By a Salmon Fisher. Barley. 1st, ... ... ... 31s. Od. 27s. Od. 24s. Od. 1st, ....38s. Od. 2d, ....34s. Od.2d, 3d,....30s. Od. | 3d, HADDINGTON.-June 11. 1st; ...27s. Od. 1st, ....27s. Od. 1st, ....27s. Od. 2d,.....24s. Od. | 2d, ....24s. Od.2d, ....24s. Od. 3d, ....21s. Od. | 3d,....21s. Od. 3d, ....21s. Od. Average £1, 14s. 4d. 5-12ths. Average Prices of Corn in England and Wales, from the Returns received in the Week ended June 5. Wheat, 63s. 8d.-Barley, 33s. 2d.-Oats, 26s. 1d.-Rye, 12s. 6d.-Beans, 38s. 5d.-Pease, 37s. Gd. Weekly Price of Stocks, from 3d to 24th May 1824. Oats. Pease. Beans. Course of Exchange, June 12.—Amsterdam, 12: 2. C. F. Ditto at sight, 11 : 194. Rotterdam, 12: 2. Antwerp, 12: 34. Hamburgh, 37:34. Altona, 0:0. Paris, 3 d. sight, 25: 40. Ditto 25: 65. Bourdeaux, 0:0. Frankfort on the Maine, 155. Petersburgh, per rble. 0:0. Us. Berlin, 0:0. Vienna, 10:5. Eff. flo. Trieste, 10: 5. Eff.flo. Madrid, 378. Cadiz, 368. Bilboa, 364. Seville, 361. Malaga, 361. Gibraltar, 0. Leghorn, 47. Genoa, 44. Venice, 0:0. Naples, 38 Palermo, 1151. Lisbon, 51. Oporto, 51. Rio Janeiro, 0. Bahia, 0. Dublin, 0. per cent. Cork, 0. per cent. Prices of Gold and Silver, per oz.-Foreign gold, in bars, £3: 17: 6d. COFFEE, Jamaica,. cwt. 60 70 108 56 LIVERPOOL. 53 122 9 SPIRITS, Jam. Rum, 16 O. P. gall. Brandy, Geneva, Grain Whisky, WINES, 0 8 10 100 84 80 90 Is 11d 2s Od 8 10 9 9 5 9 10 810 8 15 6 0 10 0 10 10 9 98 0 10s 6 11 0 • ollo 11 1 4 2 1 1 1 1 11 0 10 1 0 0 9 0 10 1 0 1 2 1 0 1 2 0 10 0 7 10 London, Corn Exchange, June 7. . Wheat, red, old Fine ditto Superfine ditto Ditto, new. White, old Fine ditto Superfine ditto 62 to 70|Maple, new 62 Tick ditto, new 8. d. s. ..9 6 to 10 0 to 8 3 to 9 Liverpool, June &. d. Amer. p. 196 lb. 4Sweet, U.S. 22 0 to 25 0 3 Do. in bond - 0 to -0 9 Sour free. 0 to -0 0Oatmeal, per 240 lb. 8 0 to 8 9 English 30 0 to 36 0 40 to 42 Scotch old 9 0 to 10 6 Scotch.. 32 0 to 31 0 Barley, new Malt. Fine. Hog Pease Maple 1 48 to 52 Feed oats 38 to 44 Fine ditto. 30 to 32 Poland ditto 53 to 56 Fine ditto 35 to 37 Flour, per sack 25 to 24 Barley, per 60 Scotch pota.3 Rye, per qr.40 8. 8. d. Malt per b. 8 -to-0-Middling 8 Must. White,. 7 to 12 0,Hempseed 21 to 24 Irish old. 8 6 to 9 9 Irish... 30 0 to 37 0 .40 to 5 6 Bran, p.24lb. 1 6 to 18 lbs. 5 6 Butter, Beef, &c. 25 to 28 Scotch.. 4 9 to 5 3Butter,p.cwt. s. d. 24 to 31 Irish.. 4 6 to 5 0 Belfast, new 0 to 0 Newry -0 to 0 3 8 to 3 11 Waterford. 92 0 to 94 0 50 to 55 Irish do.. 3 9 to 3 10 Cork,pic.2d, 91 0 to 92 0 8 to 4 0 0 to 44 9 to 9 METEOROLOGICAL TABLE, extracted from the Register kept at Edinburgh, in the Observatory, Calton-hill. N.B.-The Observations are made twice every day, at nine o'clock, forenoon, and four o'clock, afternoon.-The second Observation in the afternoon, in the first column, is taken by the Register Thermometer. ALPHABETICAL LIST of ENGLISH BANKRUPTCIES, announced between the 20th of April, and 20th of May, 1824; extracted from the London Gazette. Barker, J. Butler's-alley, Little Moorfields, silkmanufacturer. Barnet, C. Barlow-mews, Bruton-street, horsedealer. Bath, W. Copenhagen-house, Islington, victualler. Bentley, J. Leeds, stuff-merchant. Betts, J. T. Temple-place, Blackfriar's-road, wine-merchant. Bochsa, N. C. Bryanstone-street, teacher of music. Bowes, J. Battersea, carpenter. Broady, W. Old Jewry, woollen-warehouseman. Clark, W. H. and R. Clement, High Holborn, linen-drapers. Cooke, T. Banbury, mealman. Corbet, B. O. Friday-street, linen-draper. Critchley, M. Crooklands, Westmoreland, coaldealer. Crole, D. Old Broad-street, stock-broker. Dawe, J. Hellingtown-mills, Devonshire, miller. Emens, W. Barnsbury-row, Islington, stationer. chant. Graham, M. Union-street, glass-dealer. Gruncisen, C. Lower Cumming-street, Pentonville, merchant. Harris, T. Egg, Buckland, and F. Harris, of Devonport, butchers. Haselden, J. Grub-street, horse-dealer. Heyden, W. Liverpool, coach-maker. Holgate, G. and T. Burnley, Lancashire, bankers. Jackman, W. Horsforth, Yorkshire, miller. Johnson, W. Worksop, Nottinghamshire, coaldealer. Keast, J. East Looe, Cornwall, scrivener. Kerbey, O. T. Finch-lane, stock-broker. Morgan, J. Bedford-street, Commercial-road, victualler. Mortimer, R. Scholefield, Yorkshire, dyer. Plaw, J. New Kent-road, grocer. Procter, J. Oxford-street, wine-merchant. Rees, B. Haverfordwest, linen-draper. Roscow, H. Pendleton, Lancashire, brewer. Sandison, W. Cork-street, Burlington-gardens, tailor. Sargent, G. F. Marlborough-place, Great Peterstreet, patent leather dresser. Sawtell, T. Somerton, Somersetshire, innkeeper. Shackles, W. Hull, linen-draper. Sintenis, W. F. Langbourne-chambers, merchant. Smith, A. Beech-street, timber-merchant. Sudbury, W. Reading, coach-maker. Tomkinson, S. Burslem, manufacturer of earth en-ware. Townsend, R. and S. Nottingham, cutlers. Tweed, J. Darby-street, Rosemary-lane, cabinetmaker. Wall, J. Brentford-butts, broker. tors. Whiting, T. Oxford, mercer. Wild, J. Burslem, victualler. Wilson, T.Little Queen-street, Lincoln's-inn-fields, undertaker. Wise, S. and C. Brinchley, Maidstone, paper-makers. Wood, H. J. and J. Chandos-street, haberdashers. ALPHABETICAL LIST of SCOTCH BANKRUPTCIES, announced between the 1st and 31st of May, 1824, extracted from the Edinburgh Gazette. Christie, Peter, grocer and spirit-dealer in Perth. Coghill, Alexander, merchant and fish-curer in Wick. Haygarth, Thomas, furniture-dealer and commission agent in Edinburgh. Liddel, Robert, grocer, brewer, and baker, at Blantyre-toll. Neilson, Michael, merchant in Glasgow, and one of the partners of the company of Andrew and Michael Neilson, wholesale tea-dealers there. Robertson, James, jun. merchant, Dysart. DIVIDENDS. Andrew, Thomas, late brewer in Linlithgow; a dividend after 17th June. Brown, William, late of Longbedholm, Dumfriesshire, cattle-dealer; a third and last dividend after 30th June. Douglas, Alexander, sheep and cattle-dealer, some time at Haugh of Tullimet, thereafter at North Binn, in the parish of Fowlis Easter, Perthshire; a dividend on the 11th June. Dove, James, merchant, and ship-owner in Leith ; a dividend after 9th June. Fleming, John, and Son, merchants, Langloan; a first and final dividend after 12th July. Levach, George, merchant in Thurso; a dividend after 5th June. Mathie, William, and Company, late merchants in Greenock; a final dividend after 25th June. M'Morran, Robert, jun. and Company, woolspinners at Garschew-mill; a dividend after 18th June. Miller, George and Peter, cattle-dealers in Maus; a dividend after 26th June. Pollock, John, cotton-spinner, Calton, Glasgow; a final dividend on 24 July. Robertson, James, and Company, booksellers in Edinburgh; a dividend after 10th June. Singer, Adam, merchant and grocer in Aberdeen; a first dividend after 6th July. Smith, William, innkeeper in Hamilton; a dividend after 18th June. Wilson, John, and Son, merchants and manufacturers in Dunfermline; a dividend after 28th June. APPOINTMENTS, PROMOTIONS, &c. Capt. Edwards, 75 F. Major in the 64 Army 13 May, 1824. 7 Dr. Gds. Cornet Brett, Lieut. by purch. vice 78 91 do. Lieut. Ritherdon, of do. Acting Adj. 92 do. 95 Nicolls, prom. 24 Apr. 96 E. R. Buller, Corn. do. 2 W. I. Reg. Ceyl. Regt. Afr. Col. C. 6 do. Lieut. Paterson, Capt. do. Corn. Parlby, Lieut. do. do. J. T. Lord Brudenell, Corn. Bt. Lieut. Col. Lord G. W. Russell, 1 Dr. 13 do. 22 Apr. do. Hosp. Assist. Chambers, As. Surg. Capt. Smith, from h. p. 60 F. Capt. vice Welman, canc. do. 1 R. V. B. Capt. Welman, from h. p. 3 Gar. Bn. Le Guay, from h. p. 95 F. do. Brett, h. p. 24 Dr. do. 17 Lieut. Bond, Capt. by purch. vice 6 May Corn. Lewis, Lieut. do. R. Sap. & Min. 2d Capt. H. D. Jones, Adjt. vice 22 Apr. Gren. Gds. Assist. Surg. Harrison, Surgeon, vice H. S. Elmslie, Assist. Surg. Lieut. Day, from h. p. W. I. Rang. Ordnance Department. 2d Capt. Patten, from h. p. 24 Capt. Capt. Henryson, from h. p. Lieut. Col. Gordon, from 5 Dr. Gds. rec. diff. with Cross, from 36 F. rec. diff. with Lieut. Col. Hewett, h. p. Unatt. Maj. Gardiner, from 14 F. with Bt. Lieut. Col. Capt. Marq. of Tichfield, from 2d Life Gds. with North, from 6 Dr. Gds. rec. diff. with Capt. Bennet, from 7 Dr. Gds. with Capt. Gowdie, 15 F. M'Neill, from 17 Dr. with Capt. Locke, 2d Swinton, from 17 F.with Capt. Rotton, 20 F. Lieut. Jervis, from 6 Dr. Gds. rec. diff. with Lt. Leathes, from 1 Dr. rec. diff. with Lieut. Nicholson, from 17 Dr. rec. diff. with Lt. Lord Wallscourt, from 98 F. rec. diff. with Lieut. Barrett, h. p. 52 F. |