SEND FOR CATALOG ILLUSTRATING OUR OTHER TYPES OF BOILERS AND RADIATORS BOILERS AND RADIATORS Henry Kraan Furniture Co. INCORPORATED باع ....Manufacturers of.... Wardrobes, Book Cases, Tables, The work at the Philadelphia Protectory for Boys at Fatland N. E. Corner 6th and Master Streets, PHILADELPHIA, PEΝΝΑ. ESTABLISHED NEARLY FORTY YEARS AND during this long period of time, High Class Printing We do a general line of commercial work, but specialize on catalogue work in one or more colors. Let us estimate on your next catalogue. S. M. LARZELERE & COMPANY ISAAC SHARP, Manager 217 Walnut Street, Phila., Pa. Blue and Grey Stock, Granite, Etc., ESPECIALLY SUITABLE FOR CHURCH AND MAUSOLEUMS Quarries land Mills within 35 miles of Philadelphia Estimates furnished for anything in stone, including either Pennsylvania Marble & Granite Company 1415-16-17 Pennsylvania Bldg. PHILADELPHIA |