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No. 875.

A parcel of land now or formerly belonging to EDWARD Washington TUCKERMAN, bounded as follows, viz:- Southeastwardly Northwest by Washington street, there measuring twenty-one and 86 side. feet; southwestwardly by land now or formerly of Samuel P. Tuckerman, seventy-eight and 75 feet; northwestwardly by land now or formerly of the heirs of Edward Tuckerman, twenty-two and 180 feet; and northeastwardly by other land now or formerly of Edward Tuckerman, seventynine and 6 feet: containing one thousand seven hundred and forty square feet, more or less.



Another parcel of land now or formerly belonging to No. 873. EDWARD TUCKERMAN, bounded as follows, viz:-Southeastwardly by Washington street, there measuring twenty-two feet; southwestwardly by other land now or formerly of Edward Tuckerman, seventy-nine and 6 feet; northwestwardly by land now or formerly of the heirs of Edward Tuckerman, twenty-two feet; and northeastwardly by the same and by land now or formerly of Peter Parker and Charles F. Shimmin trustees, eighty and 5 feet: containing one thousand seven hundred and sixty-two square feet, more or less.



A parcel of land now or formerly belonging to PETER No. 871, PARKER and CHARLES F. SHIMMIN TRUSTEES, bounded as follows, viz:- Southeastwardly by Washington street, there measuring twenty-two feet; southwestwardly by land now or formerly of Edward Tuckerman, seventy-eight and 180 feet; northwestwardly by land now or formerly of the heirs of Edward Tuckerman, twenty-two feet; and northeastwardly by land now or formerly of Francis W. and Charles A. Welch trustees, seventy-nine feet: containing one thousand seven hundred and twenty-seven square feet, more or less.

Washington street.



No. 869,

Garland st.)

A parcel of land now or formerly belonging to FRANCIS W. and CHARLES A. WELCH TRUSTEES, bounded as follows, viz: Southeastwardly by Washington street, there measur(corner of ing twenty-four and 10 feet; southwestwardly by land now or formerly of Peter Parker and Charles F. Shimmin trustees and by land now or formerly of the heirs of Edward Tuckerman, eighty and 50 feet; northwestwardly by said land now or formerly of the heirs of Edward Tuckerman, twenty and 40 feet; and northeastwardly by Garland street, on two lines, thirty-seven and 12 feet and forty-four and feet: containing one thousand eight hundred and fourteen square feet, more or less.


in rear of Nos. 877









A parcel of land now or formerly belonging to the HEIRS OF EDWARD TUCKERMAN, bounded as follows, viz:- Southeastwardly by land now or formerly of Francis W. and Charles A. Welch trustees, there measuring twenty and 40 feet; northeastwardly by the same, one foot and 50 of a foot; again southeastwardly by land now or formerly of Peter Parker and Charles F. Shimmin trustees, twenty-two feet: southwestwardly by land now or formerly of Edward Tuckerman, two and 5 feet; southeastwardly again by the same and by land now or formerly of Samuel P. Tuckerman, sixty-six and 4 feet; again southwestwardly by land now or formerly of Cyrus Mason and by land now or formerly of Samuel W. Winslow, one foot and 58 of a foot; northwestwardly by said land now or formerly of Samuel W. Winslow, twenty-nine and 1 feet; again southwestwardly by the same, four feet; north westwardly again by the same, eight feet; again southwestwardly by the same and by land now or formerly of Lucy Ann Clapp, twenty-one and 41 feet; northwestwardly again by land now or formerly of Horace Billings, two and 50 feet; northeastwardly by land now or formerly of the heirs of William Pope, twentytwo and 3 feet; again northwestwardly by the same, sixty








eight and 66 feet; and northeastwardly again by Garland Washington street, six and 10 feet: containing six hundred square feet, Northwest more or less.


(corner of

A parcel of land now or formerly belonging to EMILY C. No. 867, and MARY A. STEVENS, bounded as follows, viz:- South- Garland st.) eastwardly by Washington street, there measuring twentythree and 4 feet; southwestwardly by Garland street,




sixty-eight and 50 feet; northwestwardly by land now or formerly of the heirs of Polly Stevens, twenty-two and 50 feet; and northeastwardly by land now or formerly of Henry B. Williams and Francis W. Loring, on two lines, twenty-eight and 55 feet and thirty-nine and feet: containing one thousand five hundred and eighty-five square feet, more or less.




863, 861.

A parcel of land now or formerly belonging to HENRY Nos. 865, B. WILLIAMS and FRANCIS W. LORING, bounded as follows, viz: - Southeastwardly by Washington street, there measuring thirty-four feet; southwestwardly by land now or formerly of Emily C. and Mary A. Stevens and by land now or formerly of the heirs of Polly Stevens, on two lines, thirty-nine and 25 feet and ninety-one and feet; northwestwardly by said land now or formerly of the heirs of Polly Stevens and by land now or formerly of Jonas H. French, thirty-three feet; and northeastwardly by land now or formerly of John and Thomas A. Taylor, one hundred thirty-two and 85 feet: containing four thousand three hundred and seventy-four square feet, more or less.




(corner of

A parcel of land now or formerly belonging to JOHN No. 855, and THOMAS A. TAYLOR, bounded as follows, viz:- South- Carney pl.) eastwardly by Washington street, there measuring thirty feet; southwestwardly by land now or formerly of Henry B. Williams and Francis W. Loring and by land now or


Washington formerly of Jonas H. French, one hundred and fifty-eight Northwest feet; northwestwardly by land now or formerly of George side. W. Tuxbury, Joseph H. White and Julia B. H. James (corner of trustees, thirty-four feet; and northeastwardly by Carney Carney pl.) place, one hundred fifty-nine and 75% feet: containing five thousand and seventy-nine square feet, more or less.

No. 855,

Rear of

No. 855,
way to

Carney pl.)

Nos. 851, 849, 847,


A parcel of land in rear of that last described now or formerly belonging to GEORGE W. TUXBURY, JOSEPH H. WHITE and JULIA B. H. JAMES TRUSTEES, bounded as follows, viz : — Southeastwardly by land now or formerly of John and Thomas A. Taylor, there measuring thirty-four feet; southwestwardly by land now or formerly of Jonas H. French, six and 25 feet; northwestwardly by land now or formerly of Lucy F. Cutler, thirty-four feet; and northeastwardly by Carney place, five and 4 feet: containing two hundred and five square feet, more or less.




A parcel of land now or formerly belonging to HENRY 845, (cor. of R. PLIMPTON, bounded as follows, viz:- Southeastwardly Carney pl.) by Washington street, there measuring forty-seven and 13 feet; southwestwardly by Carney place, one hundred and sixty feet; northwestwardly by land now or formerly of William H. Leatherbee and by land now or formerly of Catherine Sosnowski, fifty-two feet; and northeastwardly by said land now or formerly of Catherine Sosnowski, by land now or formerly of James Hooton, by land now or formerly of Thomas W. Tuttle, by land now or formerly of the heirs of Henry K. Hancock and by land now or formerly of Julia V. Fox, one hundred sixty-four and 58 feet: containing eight thousand and thirty-three square feet, more or less.

No 843.


A parcel of land now or formerly belonging to JULIA V. Fox, bounded as follows, viz:- Southeastwardly by




No. 843.

Washington street, there measuring twenty-two and Washington feet; southwestwardly by land now or formerly of Henry Northwest R. Plimpton, seventy-eight and 62 feet; northwestwardly side. by land now or formerly of the heirs of Henry K. Hancock, twenty-three and feet; and northeastwardly by land now or formerly of Catherine P. Smith, seventy-nine and 7% feet: containing one thousand eight hundred and nineteen square feet, more or less.





(corner of

A parcel of land now or formerly belonging to CATHE- No. 841, RINE P. SMITH, bounded as follows, viz:- Southeastwardly Chapman by Washington street, there measuring twenty-two and 22 street). feet; southwestwardly by land now or formerly of Julia V. Fox, seventy-nine and feet; northwestwardly by land now or formerly of the heirs of Henry K. Hancock, twenty and feet; and northeastwardly by Chapman




90 100

street, on two lines, thirty-six and feet and fortyfour and feet: containing one thousand seven hundred and fifty-two square feet, more or less.



A parcel of land now or formerly belonging to the HEIRS Washington OF HENRY K. HANCOCK, bounded as follows, viz: South- Nos. 839, eastwardly by Washington street, there measuring thirty- 837, (cor. of nine and 50% feet; southwestwardly by Chapman street, one street.)



hundred six and 30 feet; northwestwardly by land now



or formerly of Caroline P. Mayer, thirty-nine and 88 feet; and northeastwardly by land now or formerly of the heirs of Warren White, one hundred seven and 4 feet: containing four thousand two hundred and fifty square feet, more or less.



825, and

A parcel of land now or formerly belonging to the HEIRS Nos. 835OF WARREN WHITE, bounded as follows, viz: Southeast- Cherry and wardly by Washington street, there measuring sixty-two and Suffolk sts. 14 feet; southwestwardly by land now or formerly of the


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