Orange st. Corporation, thirty-two and 28 feet; northeastwardly by Northeast side. No. 15. No. 13. No.11 No. 9. 100 100 the same, nineteen and 95 feet; and southeastwardly by the same, thirty-two and 28 feet: containing six hundred and forty-four square feet, more or less. 100 100 Another parcel of land now or formerly belonging to the BOSTON AND ALBANY RAILROAD CORPORATION, bounded as follows, viz: Southwestwardly by Orange street, there measuring twenty and 16 feet; northwestwardly by other land now or formerly of the Boston and Albany Railroad Corporation, thirty-two and 28 feet; northeastwardly by the same, twenty and feet; and southeastwardly by the 11 same, thirty-two and 28 feet: containing six hundred and forty-eight square feet, more or less. 100 100 100 100 Another parcel of land now or formerly belonging to the BOSTON AND ALBANY RAILROAD CORPORATION, bounded as follows, viz:-Southwestwardly by Orange street, there measuring twenty and 18 feet; northwestwardly by other land now or formerly of the Boston and Albany Railroad Corporation, thirty-two and 28 feet; northeastwardly by the same, twenty and 12 feet; and southeastwardly by the same, thirty-two and 28 feet: containing six hundred and forty-eight square feet, more or less. 100 100 100 Another parcel of land now or formerly belonging to the BOSTON AND ALBANY RAILROAD CORPORATION, bounded as follows, viz:- Southwestwardly by Orange street, there measuring twenty and feet; northwestwardly by other 3 100 land now or formerly of the Boston and Albany Railroad Corporation, thirty-two and 28 feet; northeastwardly by the same, twenty feet; and southeastwardly by the same, thirty-two and 28 feet: containing six hundred and fortysix square feet, more or less. 100 100 3 100 Northeast Another parcel of land now or formerly belonging to Orange st. the BOSTON AND ALBANY RAILROAD CORPORATION, bounded side. as follows, viz:- Southwestwardly by Orange street, there No. 7. measuring twenty and feet; northwestwardly by other land now or formerly of the Boston and Albany Railroad Corporation, thirty-two and 28 feet; northeastwardly by the same, twenty and 10 feet; and southeastwardly by the same, thirty-two and 28 feet: containing six hundred and forty-eight square feet, more or less. 100 100 3 100 100 Another parcel of land now or formerly belonging to the No. 5. BOSTON AND ALBANY RAILROAD CORPORATION, bounded as follows, viz:- Southwestwardly by Orange street, there measuring twenty and feet; northwestwardly by other land now or formerly of the Boston and Albany Railroad Corporation, thirty-two and 28 feet; northeastwardly by the same, twenty feet; and southeastwardly by the same, thirty-two and 28 feet; containing six hundred and forty six square feet, more or less. 100 100 40 Southeast A parcel of land now or formerly belonging to JOHN A. Tremont st. SARGENT, bounded as follows, viz:- Northwestwardly by side. Tremont street, there measuring forty-six and feet; Nos. 388, northeastwardly by Castle street, forty-seven and feet; (corner of southeastwardly by land now or formerly of Samuel D. Castle st. to 4 10 100 100 390, 392, corner of Parker, forty-five and feet; and southwestwardly by Paul street). Paul street, fifty-eight and 34 feet: containing two thou100 sand three hundred and eighty-one square feet, more or less. and 414, A parcel of land now or formerly belonging to SAMUEL Nos. 412, D. PARKER, bounded as follows, viz:- Northwestwardly by (corner of Tremont street, there measuring forty-two and feet; Paulstreet.) northeastwardly by Paul street, one hundred twenty and 80 100 52 feet; southeastwardly by Albion street, forty-five and 100 Tremont st. Southeast side. Nos. 412, and 414. No. 416. Paul's mill. No. 432. 100 100 15 feet; and southwestwardly by land now or formerly of the heirs of Thomas Brewer, one hundred twenty and 35 feet: containing five thousand two hundred and seventy-seven square feet, more or less. 100 100 A parcel of land now or formerly belonging to the HEIRS OF THOMAS BREWER, bounded as follows, viz:- Northwestwardly by Tremont street, there measuring forty-seven and 2 feet; northeastwardly by land now or formerly of Samuel D. Parker, one hundred twenty and 35 feet; southeastwardly by Albion street, forty-eight and 50 feet; and southwestwardly by land now or formerly of Joseph F. Paul and Joseph T. Bailey, one hundred twenty and 28 feet: containing five thousand seven hundred and forty-two square feet, more or less. 100 100 100 A parcel of land now or formerly belonging to JOSEPH F. PAUL AND JOSEPH T. BAILEY, bounded as follows, viz:Northwestwardly by Tremont street, there measuring one hundred and 25 feet; northeastwardly by land now or formerly of the heirs of Thomas Brewer, one hundred twenty and 28 feet; southeastwardly by Albion street, one hundred one and 42 feet; and southwestwardly by land now or formerly of Margaret Riley and by land now or formerly of Levi W. Shaw and John W. Morrison, one hundred twenty and 19 feet: containing twelve thousand one hundred square feet, more or less. 100 100 100 A parcel of land now or formerly belonging to LEVI W. SHAW and JOHN W. MORRISON, bounded as follows, viz: Northwestwardly by Tremont street, there measuring thirtyeight feet; northeastwardly by land now or formerly of Joseph F. Paul and Joseph T. Bailey, sixty and 15 feet; southeastwardly by land now or formerly of Margaret Riley, by land now or formerly of Andrew Bauer and by land 100 100 Southeast side. now or formerly of the heirs of Bernard Clausmeyer, thirty- Tremont st. eight and 5 feet; and southwestwardly by land now or 50 formerly of Joseph, James and Martin Millmore, sixty and No. 432. 100 feet: containing two thousand two hundred and ninetyseven square feet, more or less. 100 100 100 436, (cor. of A parcel of land now or formerly belonging to JOSEPH, Nos. 434, JAMES and MARTIN MILLMORE, bounded as follows, viz:- Lucas st.) Northwestwardly by Tremont street, there measuring thirtyfive and feet; northeastwardly by land now or formerly of Levi W. Shaw and John W. Morrison, sixty and 10 feet; southeastwardly by land now or formerly of the heirs of Bernard Clausmeyer, by land now or formerly of Charles G. Busch and by land now or formerly of Johanna Keliher, thirty-five and 63 feet; and southwestwardly by Lucas street, sixty and 15 feet: containing two thousand one hundred and thirty square feet, more or less. 100 100 Northwestwardly 17 (corner of Lucas st.) A parcel of land now or formerly belonging to WILLIAM No. 440, J. MCPHERSON, bounded as follows, viz:by Tremont street, there measuring forty-three and feet; northeastwardly by Lucas street, one hundred and twenty fect; southeastwardly by Albion street, forty-three and 93 feet; and southwestwardly by other land now or formerly of William J. McPherson, one hundred and twenty feet: containing five thousand two hundred and twenty-six square feet, more or less. 100 Another parcel of land now or formerly belonging to Vacant WILLIAM J. MCPHERSON, bounded as follows, viz:— North- land. westwardly by Tremont street, there measuring sixty-nine feet; northeastwardly by other land now or formerly of William J. McPherson, one hundred and twenty feet; south eastwardly by Albion street, seventy and 5 feet; and southwestwardly by land now or formerly of David Town 100 Tremont st. send, one hundred and twenty feet: containing eight thouSoutheast sand three hundred and seventy square feet, more or less. side. No.(corner Chapman street.) Nos. 462, 464, 466, Chapman street.) of 100 A parcel of land now or formerly belonging to DAVID TOWNSEND, bounded as follows, viz:- Northwestwardly by Tremont street, there measuring twenty-three and 58 feet; northeastwardly by land now or formerly of William J. McPherson, one hundred and twenty feet; southeastwardly by Albion street, twenty-four and 6 feet; and southwestwardly by Chapman street, one hundred and twenty feet: containing two thousand eight hundred and ninety-five square feet, more or less. 100 100 A parcel of land now or formerly belonging to WILLIAM (corner of HYLAND, bounded as follows, viz: - Northwestwardly by Tremont street, there measuring thirty-eight and 67 feet; northeastwardly by Chapman street, one hundred and twenty feet; southeastwardly by Albion street, thirty-nine and 24 feet; and southwestwardly by land now or formerly of George W. Tuxbury, Joseph H. White and Julia B. H. James trustees and by land now or formerly of Henry N. F. Marshall, one hundred and twenty feet: containing four thousand six hundred and seventy-four square feet, more or less. Nos. Shops. 100 A parcel of land now or formerly belonging to HENRY N. F. MARSHALL, bounded as follows, viz:- Northwestwardly by Tremont street, there measuring eighty-five and 180 feet; northeastwardly by land now or formerly of William Hyland, sixty feet; southeastwardly by land now or formerly of George W. Tuxbury, Joseph H. White and Julia B. H. James trustees, eighty-five and feet; and southwestwardly by land now or formerly of William D. Ely, sixty feet: containing five thousand one hundred and twentyfive square feet, more or less. 100 |