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Southeast side.

now or formerly of the heirs of William S. White, seven- village st. teen and feet; and southwestwardly by land now or for- 50 merly of Alonzo B. Wentworth, sixty-two and feet: con- No. 32. taining one thousand and ninety-one square feet, more or less.



A parcel of land now or formerly belonging to ALONZO No. 34. B. WENTWORTH, bounded as follows, viz: - Northwestwardly by Village street, there measuring seventeen and feet; northeastwardly by land now or formerly of Seth W. Fuller, sixty-two and feet; southeastwardly by land now or formerly of the heirs of William S. White, seventeen and 10 feet; and southwestwardly by other land now or formerly of Alonzo B. Wentworth, sixty-two and containing one thousand and ninety-two square feet, more or less.



Another parcel of land now or formerly belonging to No. 36. ALONZO B. WENTWORTH, bounded as follows, viz : - Northwestwardly by Village street, there measuring seventeen and 1 feet; northeastwardly by other land now or formerly of Alonzo B. Wentworth, sixty-two and feet; southeastwardly by land now or formerly of the heirs of William S. White, seventeen and feet; southwestwardly by land now or formerly of Henry Holthaus, twenty and for feet; again southeastwardly by the same, 1 of a foot; and southwestwardly again by the same, forty-two feet: containing one thousand one hundred and eight square feet, more or less.



A parcel of land now or formerly belonging to HENRY No. 38. HOLTHAUS, bounded as follows, viz: - Northwestwardly by Village street, there measuring fifteen and feet; northeastwardly by land now or formerly of Alonzo B. Wentworth, forty-two feet; again northwestwardly by the same

Village st.
No. 38.

No. 40.

No. 42.

Nos. 44, 46,

Lucas st.)


1 of a foot; northeastwardly again by the same and by land now or formerly of the heirs of William S. White twenty-one feet; southeastwardly by said land now or formerly of the heirs of William S. White and by land now or formerly of Adeline L. Barry, sixteen and feet; and southwestwardly by land now or formerly of Howell Matson, sixty-three feet: containing one thousand and thirteen square feet, more or less.


A parcel of land now or formerly belonging to HOWELL MATSON, bounded as follows, viz: - Northwestwardly by Village street, there measuring fifteen and feet; northeastwardly by land now or formerly of Henry Holthaus, sixty-three feet; southeastwardly by land now or formerly of Adeline L. Barry, fifteen and feet; and southwestwardly by land now or formerly of Lemuel A. Cooledge, sixty-three feet: containing nine hundred and sixty-five square feet, more or less.

A parcel of land now or formerly belonging to LEMUEL A. COOLEDGE, bounded as follows, viz: - Northwestwardly by Village street, there measuring fifteen and 18 feet; northeastwardly by land now or formerly of Howell Matson, sixty-three feet; southeastwardly by land now or formerly of Adeline L. Barry and by land now or formerly of William Varnum, fifteen and feet; and southwestwardly by land now or formerly of Jonathan M. Plaisted, sixtythree feet: containing nine hundred and sixty-five square feet, more or less.

A parcel of land now or formerly belonging to JONATHAN (corner of M. PLAISTED, bounded as follows, viz: - Northwestwardly by Village street, there measuring thirty and 92 10 feet; northeastwardly by land now or formerly of Lemuel A. Cooledge, sixty-three feet; southeastwardly by land now or



formerly of William Varnum and by land now or formerly village st. of Abijah P. White, thirty and feet; and southwest. Southeast wardly by Lucas street, sixty-three feet: containing one Nos. 44-46. thousand nine hundred and forty-seven square feet, more or less.

A parcel of land now or formerly belonging to MICAH Vacant DYER JUNIOR, bounded as follows, viz: - Northwestwardly land, corner


by Village street, there measuring forty-five and or feet; northeastwardly by Lucas street, fifty-three and 10 feet; southeastwardly by land now or formerly of Jeremiah Brown, forty-five and feet; and southwestwardly by land now or formerly of the heirs of Warren White, fiftythree and feet: containing two thousand four hundred and fifty-two square feet, more or less.

62 100


of Lucas st.


A parcel of land now or formerly belonging to the HEIRS No. 56, and OF WARREN WHITE, bounded as follows, viz: - Northwest- corner of wardly by Village street, there measuring ninety-nine and street. 1% feet; northeastwardly by land now or formerly of Micah Dyer junior and by land now or formerly of Jeremiah Brown, seventy-seven and or feet; again northwestwardly by said land now or formerly of Jeremiah Brown, of a foot; northeastwardly again by land now or formerly of Thomas L. Wakefield trustee, forty-nine and 10 feet; southeastwardly by Emerald street, one hundred three and 10% feet; and southwestwardly by Chapman street, one hundred twenty-six and feet: containing twelve thousand eight hundred and twenty-five square feet, more or less.



A parcel of land now or formerly belonging to GEORGE Vacant W. TUXBURY, JOSEPH H. WHITE and JULIA B. H. JAMES land. TRUSTEES, bounded as follows, viz: - Northwestwardly by Village street, there measuring eighty-nine and feet; northeastwardly by land now or formerly of Josephus Mor

Village st. ton, by land now or formerly of Sarah E. Brown, by





No. 82.



land now or formerly of Oliver P. Leavitt, by land now or formerly of Emily H. Sandford and by land now or formerly of Josephus Morton, one hundred twenty-seven and feet; southeastwardly by Emerald street, ninety and 10 feet; southwestwardly by land now or formerly of Herman Grosse, forty-three and feet; northwestwardly by the same of a foot; again southwestwardly by the same and by land now or formerly of Maria A. Wellbrock, fortytwo and feet; southeastwardly by said land now or formerly of Maria A. Wellbrock, of a foot; and southwestwardly again by the same, forty-three and T응이 feet: containing eleven thousand five hundred and sixty-five square feet, more or less.






A parcel of land now or formerly belonging to MARIA A. WELLBROCK, bounded as follows, viz: - Northwestwardly by Village street, there measuring fifteen and feet; northeastwardly by land now or formerly of George W. Tuxbury, Joseph H. White and Julia B. H. James trustees, forty-three and or feet; again northwestwardly by the same, 1 of a foot; northeastwardly again by the same, twenty-one and 15 feet; southeastwardly by land now or formerly of Herman Grosse, fifteen and feet; and southwestwardly by land now or formerly of Sarah P. M. Squires, sixty-four and T이 feet: containing nine hundred and eighty-one square feet, more or less.

7 100

No. 84.

A parcel of land now or formerly belonging to SARAH P. M. SQUIRES, bounded as follows, viz:-Northwestwardly by Village street, there measuring fifteen and feet; northeastwardly by land now or formerly of Maria A. Wellbrock, sixty-four and 10 feet; southeastwardly by land now or formerly of Francis J. Jesser and by land now or formerly of Ebenezer Morton, fifteen and for feet; southwestwardly


by land now or formerly of Braddock Loring, twenty-nine village st. and 75 feet; again southeastwardly by the same, 1 of a side. foot; and southwestwardly again by the same, thirty-four No. 84. and feet: containing nine hundred and eighty-four square feet, more or less.



A parcel of land now or formerly belonging to BRADDOCK No. 86. LORING, bounded as follows, viz: - Northwestwardly by Village street, there measuring fifteen and feet; northeastwardly by land now or formerly of Sarah P. M. Squires, thirty-four and 22 feet; again northwestwardly by the same, 1 of a foot; northeastwardly again by the same, twenty-nine and feet; southeastwardly by land now or formerly of Ebenezer Morton, sixteen feet; and southwestwardly by land now or formerly of Ann Nolen, sixty-four and T응이 feet: containing one thousand and four square feet, more or less.





A parcel of land now or formerly belonging to ANN No. 88. NOLEN, bounded as follows, viz: - Northwestwardly by Village street, there measuring fifteen and feet; northeastwardly by land now or formerly of Braddock Loring, sixty-four and T응이 feet; southeastwardly by land now or formerly of Ebenezer Morton, fifteen and feet; southwestwardly by the same, by land now or formerly of the heirs of Edward Tuckerman and by land now or formerly of Catherine B. Wheelock, twenty-nine and feet; again southeastwardly by said land now or formerly of Catherine B. Wheelock, of a foot; and southwestwardly again by the same, thirty-four and 22 feet: containing nine hundred and eighty square feet, more or less.



A parcel of land now or formerly belonging to CATHERINE No. 90.

B. WHEELOCK, bounded as follows, viz: - Northwestwardly by Village street, there measuring fifteen and 16 feet;

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