Daily in his grace to grow, 4 0 that I could all invite, This saving truth to prove; height, And depth of Jesus' love ; And Jesus crucified! HOLY EJACULATIONS. "Blessed are they which are called to the marriage supper of the Lamb."Rev. 19. 9. 1. When the communicant approaches the table. Behold! O blessed Saviour, I ap. proach unto thy table, where my hungry and thirsty soul longs and desires for Thee. Here I am, O Jesus, that my soul may be satisfied with good. O be pleased to nourish and refresh unto life eternal. O impart unto me, in thine infinite and everlasting love, the merits of thy crucified body and shed blood, after which my soul so earnestly hungers and thirsts. O blessed Jesus, with desire do I look unto Thee, and wait with longing of soul, upon Thee, for the communications of thy love. 2. When the communicant sees the bread broken and the wine poured out. O my dear Redeemer, how much didst Thou suffer-how awfully was thy sacred body torn and mangled, and thy precious blood shed! This was all done, not only for, but also through my great and grievous sins ;-they pressed too heavily upon thy soul, which caused thy sweat to fall like great drops of blood, to the ground. My sins were the thorns, the scourge, the nails, the spear, by which thy precious body was so inhumanly broken and mangled, and thy precious blood was made to flow. O Lord Jesus, may thy crucified body and shed blood, be applied to heal my wounded soul from all manner of sin. 3. When the communicant receives the consecrated bread. Now, be pleased to enable me, by faith, to receive Thee, O blessed Jesus, into the inmost recesses of my soul, so that Thou mayest be as intimately and really united with me, by thy Spirit, as the bread and wine are united with my body. O blessed and holy bread! which represents the Bread of Life; I receive Thee, O precious Saviour! who wast not only given unto death, for me, but art also given with all thy saving benefits, by faith, to me. O Thou true Bread of heaven! be pleased to strengthen and nourish my soul with thy crucified body unto life eternal, so that my soul may hunger no more for ever. 4. When the communicant receives the consecrated wine. O soul-satisfying refreshment! which represents the precious blood which flowed from the side of my dear Redeemer, to heal all the wounds of my soul, and to cancel all my sins and transgressions. O Lord Jesus, may this blood purify and cleanse my sinful heart, that I may thereby enjoy peace and rest for my soul, so that it may never thirst. 5. Ejaculations after receiving the sacrament. O my dear, once crucified, but now glorified Redeemer, I have now received Thee, anew in my soul, that I may be united with Thee, as the branch is unto the vine, and as the bread and wine are united with my body. Now it is, as Thou knowest, my heart's sinccre desire, that thy crucified body, and thy precious blood, which was shed for my sins, may be as really. treasured up in my soul, by the influence and communion of thy Holy Spirit, as I have just received this broken bread and poured wine into my body. O Jesus! I would receive Thee, with all thy gifts and benefits; dwell in future within my heart, so that I may be enabled to say, with the full assurance of faith : my beloved is mine and I am his; I am crucified with Thee; I live, yet not I, but Jesus lives in me; Thou hast loved me and given thyself into the death for me. Devotional exercises after the Lord's Supper. HYMN 62. S. M.-Silver Street. 1 0 bless the Lord, my soul ! Let all within me join : And aid my tongue to bless his name, 20 bless the Lord, my soul ! 3 'Tis he forgives thy sins; 4 He crowns thy life with love, When ransom'd from the grave; He, that redeem'd my soul from hell, Hath sov'reign pow'r to save. 5 He fills the poor with good, He gives the suff'rers rest; [proud, The Lord hath judgments for the And justice for th' opprest. 6 His wond'rous works and ways He made by Moses known; Butsent the world his truth and grace, By his beloved Son. THANKSGIVING. *"My beloved is mine and I am his," says the bride to Jesus Christ.-Cant. 2. 16. "Bless the Lord, O my soul, and all that is within me, bless his holy name. Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits & who forgiveth all thine iniquities; who healeth all thy diseases ; who redeemeth thy life from destruction ; who crowneth thee with loving kindness and tender mercy." Ps. 103. 1-4. O my God-my Father-my Saviour -my Helper, and the Author of all my comfort! In what exalted strains of gratitude, shall I praise, laud, magnify and adore Thee, for all the manifesta. tions of thy wondrous grace towards |