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Amounts brought forward, $138,076 00 $729,919 78

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The number of persons vaccinated free of ex-
pense, by the City Physician, at his office in
the City Building, Court Square, during
the year ending 30th April, 1861, was 706;
last year, 5,649.

The office hour of the City Physician, for Vac-
cination, is from 10 to 12 o'clock daily.
The number of Children examined and fur-
nished with the Certificate of Vaccination
required to entitle them to enter the Public
Schools, was 849; last year, 1,924.

The number of gratuitous supplies of vaccine
Virus to Physicians belonging to Boston has
been 251 last year, 1,962.

The various City Institutions have also been supplied with vaccine Virus, at sundry times.

In consequence of the liberal supply of Virus from this office, the number of persons vaccinated during the year by private physicians has been very large.

COUNTY JAIL. By the repeal of the Ordinance creating the office of" County Physician," the duty of attending all cases of sickness at the Jail has been again assigned to the City Physician.

Amount carried forward,

$869,258 85

$869,258 85

Amount brought forward,


Amount paid for Interest on the funded Debt of the City,

Per item No. 63 of Treasurer's account,

N. B. This item does not include any charge for interest on the "Water Debt," the interest on which is charged to the Water Works. There has been $70,128 47 received to the credit of this account, per item No. 84 of Treasurer's account.


For the following Expenditures, which are not charged under any other head.


Cost of celebrating the 84th Anniversary of
American Independence, viz :

Breakfast to City Government,

400 45

2,690 00

161,953 68

Collation at Faneuil Hall,

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Collation for Children of Choir

at Music Hall, and expenses

Amounts carried forward, $10,081 01 $1,031,211 53

Amounts brought forward, $10,081 01 $1,031,212 53 attending rehearsals of the

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Amounts carried forward, $13,279 91 $1,031,212 53

Amounts brought forward, $13,279 91 $1,031,212 53 Refreshments and Carriage hire

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Amounts carried forward, $11,496 26 $1,031,212 53

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