| United States. Attorney-General - 1852 - 836 pages
...of 6 William IV, entitled " An act to repeal an act of the present session of Parliament, entitled 'An act for the more effectual abolition of oaths and affirmations taken and made in the various departments of the state, and to substitute declarations in lieu thereof, and for the more... | |
| 1852 - 266 pages
...repeal an Aet of the present Session of Parliament, intituled 'An Aet for the more effeetual Aholition of Oaths and Affirmations taken and made in various Departments of the State, and to suhstitute Deelarations in lien thereof, and for the more entire Suppression of voluntary andextra-jndieialOathsand... | |
| 1852 - 584 pages
...made and passed in the Session of Parliament held in the 5 & С Wm. 4, intituled " An Act to repeal an Act of the present Session of Parliament, intituled 'An Act for the more eBectual Abolition of Oaths and Affirmations taken and made in various departments of the State, and... | |
| 1853 - 526 pages
...made and passed in the session of Parlia. raent held in the 5 & G Will. 4, intituled "An Act to repeal an Act of the present Session of Parliament, intituled...Provisions for the Abolition of unnecessary Oaths." . ,, [the title a» in petition,"] -V , 1). Declared at , this day of , AD , before me, , No. I, for... | |
| John Paxton Norman - 1853 - 324 pages
...sixth years of the reign of his late Majesty King William the Fourth, intituled " An Act to repeal an Act of the present session of Parliament, intituled...provisions for the abolition of unnecessary oaths.' " of , in the year of our Lord 185 , before Declared at , this day me, 3.—DECLARATION WHEN COMPLETE... | |
| John Stevenson Bushnan - 1853 - 188 pages
...passed in the fourth and fifth years of the reign of King William IV., intituled ' An Act to repeal an Act of the present session of Parliament, intituled...provisions for the abolition of unnecessary oaths." ' " Taken and subscribed at the Borough of Burton-nponTrent, the fifteenth day of April, 1852, before... | |
| George Colwell Oke - 1853 - 668 pages
...the sixth year of the reign of his late Majesty King William the Fourth, intituled " An Act to repeal an Act of the present Session of Parliament, intituled...and for the more entire Suppression of voluntary and exlrajudicial Oaths and Affidavits,' and to make other Provisions for the Abolition of unnecessary... | |
| Septimus Pruen - 1853 - 534 pages
...the Fourth, intituled "An " Act to repeal an Act of the present Session of Parliament, in" tituled ' An Act for the more effectual Abolition of Oaths and...' and Affidavits ; ' and to make other Provisions in lieu thereof." Taken and made before me, One of Her Majesty's Justices of the Peace in and for the... | |
| Leonard Shelford - 1853 - 564 pages
...sixth year of the reign of his late majesty king William the fourth, intituled "An Act to repeal an State, and to substitute Declarations in lieu thereof,...Provisions for the Abolition of unnecessary Oaths." *^* The production of the newspapers will show that the meeting has been duly advertised. No. 4. MINUTES... | |
| George Wingrove Cooke - 1857 - 418 pages
...the sixth year of the reign of his late Majesty King William the Fourth, intituled " An Act to repeal an Act of the present Session of Parliament, intituled...Abolition of Oaths and Affirmations taken and made in the various departments of the State, and to substitute Declarations in lieu thereof, and for the more... | |
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