| George Colwell Oke - 1850 - 636 pages
...year of the reign ot l>i; late Majesty King William the Fourth, intituled " An Act to repeal an Act u' the present Session of Parliament, intituled ' An...of Oaths and Affirmations taken and made in various Department* ol the State, and to substitute Declarations in lieu thereof, and for the more ea;« Suppression... | |
 | Charles Sandys - 1851 - 386 pages
...voluntary and Extra-judicial Oaths and Affidavits." AD 1835. 5 & 6 Will. IV, cap. 62. "An Act to repeal an Act of the present Session of Parliament, intituled...Provisions for the Abolition of unnecessary Oaths." (Declaration.) Sec. 20 and Schedule prescribe the form of " Declaration." P. POSSESSION of Tenements.... | |
 | 1851 - 108 pages
...act made and passed in the fifth and sixth year of the reign of his late majesty William the Fourth, intituled, " An Act for the more effectual abolition...provisions for the abolition of unnecessary oaths." (Signed) ALEX. ROBERTSON. APPENDIX C. Page 18. Depositions of John Leiper, Second Mate, and James Hodghton,... | |
 | Charles Sandys - 1851 - 406 pages
...Tenure " MORTGAGEES. See title, "Trustees." O. OATHS (Extra-judicial). AD 1835. 5 Will. IV, cap. 8. "An Act for the more effectual Abolition of Oaths...voluntary and Extra-judicial Oaths and Affidavits." AD 1835. 5 & 6 Will. IV, cap. 62. "An Act to repeal an Act of the present Session of Parliament, intituled... | |
 | Henry Browne (claimant to the Montague peerage.) - 1851 - 170 pages
...William the fourth, entitled, " An Act to repeal an Act of the present session of Parliament, entitled, ' An Act for the more effectual abolition of oaths and affirmations taken in various departments of the State, and to substitute declarations in lieu thereof: and for the more... | |
 | Canada. Legislature. Legislative Assembly - 1851 - 494 pages
...in the sixth year of the Reign of His late Majesty, intituled, " An Act to repeal an Act of the then present Session of Parliament, intituled, 'An Act for the more effectual abolition ot Oaths and Affirmations taken and made in various Departments of the State, and to substitute Declarations... | |
 | J L. Curtis - 1852 - 172 pages
...Act made and passed in the sixth year of the reign of His late Majesty, intituled "An Act to repeal an Act of the present Session of Parliament, intituled...and for the more entire suppression of voluntary and extra Judicial Oaths and Affidavits, and to make other provisions for the abolition of unnecessary... | |
 | Great Britain - 1852 - 718 pages
...Sixth Years of the Reign of His late Majesty King William the Fourth, intituled " An Act to repeal an Act of the present Session of Parliament, intituled...and for the more entire Suppression of voluntary and extra' judicial Oaths and Affidavits,' and to make other Provisions for the Abolition of unnecessary... | |
 | William Carpmael - 1852 - 238 pages
...XIV. [Nor to those granted to Abraham Baker, or Lord Dudley.] 5 & 6 WILL. IV. c. 62. An Act to repeal an Act of the present Session of Parliament, intituled,...lieu thereof; and for the more entire Suppression ofvoluntary and extra-judicial Oailis and Affidavits ; " and to make other Provisions for the Abolition... | |
 | Joseph Bateman - 1852 - 376 pages
...the Fourth, intituled, " An Act to repeal an Act of the present session of parliament, intituled, t An Act for the more effectual abolition of oaths and...various departments of the state, and to substitute deelarations in licu thercof, and for the more entire suppression of voluntary and extra-judicial oaths... | |
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