| United States Civil Service Commission - 1915 - 238 pages
...be considered sufficient cause for his removal from the service." (Executive order, Oct. 13, 1905.) "No officer or employee of the Government shall, directly...their special preparation for the examinations of the boards of examiners for the diplomatic and consular services. The fact that any officer or employee... | |
| United States Civil Service Commission - 1919 - 220 pages
...disabled soldiers, sailors, and marines. ' ' (Executive orders, Oct. 13, 1905, and May 17, 1919.) " No officer or employee of the Government shall, directly...manner in the instruction of any person or classes of parsons, with a view to their special preparation for the examinations of the boards of examiners for... | |
| United States Civil Service Commission - 1910 - 282 pages
...considered sufficient cause for his removal from the service. (Executive order, October 13, 1905.) No officer or employee of the Government shall, directly...indirectly, instruct or be concerned in any manner in the ihstruction of any person or classes of persons, with a view to their special preparation for the examinations... | |
| United States Civil Service Commission - 1920 - 222 pages
...or indirectly, instruct or be concerned in any ma»aer in the instruction of aay person or clauses of persons, with a view to their special preparation for the examinations of the beards of examiners for the Diplomatic and Consular Services. The fact that any officer or employee... | |
| United States Civil Service Commission - 1909 - 264 pages
...person or the service. (Executive order of Octoclasses of persons, with a view to their her 13, 1905.) special preparation for the examinations of the United States Civil Service Commission. 3. Where a recommendation for removal or reduction answers. and in grade or compensation of an officer... | |
| 1939 - 1468 pages
...REGULATIONS UNDER CIVIL SERVICE RULE III Sec. 3.105 Instruction of applicants for examination. [Revised] § 3.105 Instruction of applicants for examination, (a)...examinations of the United States Civil Service Commission or the examinations of the Boards of Examiners' for the Foreign Service of the Department of State:... | |
| 1944 - 1386 pages
...(USC, title 5, sec. 631), and as President of the United States, it is hereby ordered as follows: 1. No officer or employee of the Government shall directly...examinations of the United States Civil Service Commission or the examinations of the Boards of Examiners for the Foreign Service of the Department of State:... | |
| United States Civil Service Commission. Information Division - 1939 - 58 pages
...concerned in making appointments or promotions (Civil Service Rule I, Sec. 3). Instruction of Applicants: No officer or employee of the Government shall, directly...their special preparation for the examinations of the Civil Service Commission (Executive orders, Oct. 13, 1905, May 17, 1919, and Jan. 13, 1920). Examination... | |
| 1939 - 752 pages
...in the training and testing of disabled soldiers, sailors, and marines. [EO 3215, Jan. 13, 1920] (b) No officer or employee of the Government shall, directly...their special preparation for the examinations of the boards of examiners for the Foreign Service. The fact that any officer or employee is found so engaged... | |
| United States - 1959 - 1026 pages
...sec. 631) [this section], and as President of the United States, It Is hereby ordered as follows: 1. ة 3 or the examinations of the Boards of Examiners for the Foreign Service of the Department of State:... | |
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