Ariel Uppstrom's Reviews > Twelfth Night

Twelfth Night by William Shakespeare
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it was amazing

This has always been one of my favorite Shakespeare plays. I decided to reread it since I will probably teach it this year and I noticed so many more things when I read it for a second time. Shakespeare's incredible ability to play with words and create double meanings for his audience is truly displayed in this play. Since the main character is a woman in disguise as a man, and during that time all female parts were played by men anyway, it lends itself to an incredible examination on the level of gender studies and sexuality studies. The different avenues that it opens for a real analysis of hetero-normative expectations in society is very enticing to bring into the classroom. Of course the examination of Feste, the clown, is also enjoyable because Shakespeare always makes his fools the smartest characters in the play. I look forward to teaching this and pairing it with the newest film adaptation "She's the Man". Hilarious to the end!

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Reading Progress

June 9, 2012 – Started Reading
June 9, 2012 – Shelved
June 11, 2012 –
page 105
June 15, 2012 – Finished Reading

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